Chapter 20: The Angry Hedgehog

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It was a soft scene.

Devon was lying on her back. Her eyes shifted under her lids as she slept, and her chest rose and fell in even breaths. Her hair was splayed out across the pillow, its strands tickling Kitt's nose as he rested against her. His tall body was curled around her, one arm slipped under her and the other resting across her stomach.

His dark complexion was the reverse of her light, and it reminded Hin of a yin yang symbol.

He didn't have the heart to wake them. Instead, he watched them sleep and felt like an intruder. Like he had stepped into the safe little bubble they were nestled in. Waking them would pop the bubble, and the reality of the situation would come barreling in.

Devon stirred and Kit's arms instinctively tightened around her.

If it was anyone else, Hin would have found the scene to be saccharine, but this was Kitt. The same man who didn't understand why his girlfriend would surprise him with lunch or ask him about his thoughts and feelings. The man who thought life was about taking the path of least resistance.

Who would have thought that the person who could unlock Kitt's heart was just a plane ride away?

Hin smirked and shook his head.

"Guess I was right." He whispered to himself. "It is pretty special."

Hin turned and left the infirmary. On the way back to his tent he grabbed a tray of breakfast.

When he woke up this morning, John had been latched onto him like a tick. His small arms were wrapped around his chest and his face was buried in Hin's neck. A sense of contentment settled across Hin's heart and he couldn't go back to sleep. He spent an hour staring at John. Everything about the man was fascinating to him. He was handsome in every way, and it was a form of sweet torture to have him laying against him all night.

Every time Hin moved, John would follow. He sought Hin's body like a heat seeking missile and was only content when he was completely flush with him. At one point the tent became stifling and he had to kick off the covers.

The man never ceased to baffle Hin. The same person who was willing to start a fight and had the most colorful curse words he had ever heard, spent time gently disentangling Devon's hair so she wouldn't be upset when she woke up. He sat up all night with Hin and Kitt, worrying not just for Devon, but for Teh too.

And now he was in Hin's bed, and the hard scowl that always graced his face was lax and sweet. He smelled faintly like pencil shavings and Hin didn't think he would ever be able to write with a pen again.

Eagerly, Hin rushed back to the tent, opening the door and closing it softly. Glancing towards the bed he could see John was still asleep. He was laying on his back clutching the pillow Hin had been using.

Hin set the tray down and toed off his boots. Creeping forward he slipped onto the mattress and swung a knee over John. Gently, he lowered his tall frame onto him, lightly resting his chin on John's pointed sternum.

Dark brown eyes opened and he stared at Hin without expression for a moment before they softened ever so slightly. John's lips raised in a smile briefly before that familiar scowl slipped into place.

"What are you doing?" John groaned. His voice was an octave lower after having been asleep and Hin loved it.

"Annoying you."

John snorted and rolled his eyes. "I need to go check on Devon."

Hin shook his head. "Already done. She's still sleeping. Kitt is with her."

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