Chapter 18: Knives, Bullets, and Head Wounds. Oh My.

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One step at a time.

That's what she kept telling herself. But every step was harder than the last. The adrenaline that carried her for a while had faded and now she was running on empty. Teh was draped across her shoulders in a fireman's carry. She had her right arm around his bad leg so she could keep an eye on it. His face was pressed into her left shoulder. He had passed out sometime ago, Devon couldn't be sure when. The only thing she could focus on was putting one step in front of the other.

Devon's head was spinning and everything hurt. Her skin was sticky from the dried blood and sweat was dripping into her eyes.

Night in the jungle was intense. The thick tree canopy blocked any light from the moon and Devon could barely see past her nose. She found a small flashlight in Teh's pockets, but it died long before the sun could rise. She had tripped on countless roots and with her fatigue combined with Teh's weight she had no way of stopping herself from falling.

Her legs gave out again and she dropped to her knees. Teh fell off her shoulders and rolled onto his back. Devon didn't even have the energy to ask him if he was ok. Her legs were shaking, and nausea rose up in her throat. She spat, but nothing came out. There was nothing in her stomach to vomit up.

The dirt under her palms was hard packed and she glanced up to see the tree cover had been cleared. They were on the road. Devon licked her lips with a dry tongue and pushed herself up. Knowing that the rest of the way to camp would be easier gave her a renewed sense of purpose. Grabbing Teh's arm she settled him back onto her shoulders with a groan. Black spots popped up in her vision and she wobbled, threatening to black out.

Gritting her teeth, she settled Teh and looked up.

The sun was just beginning to rise and rather than inky black, the world was a dusky grey.

Devon cleared her mind and put one boot forward. Then another. Keeping her mind blank except for walking. She couldn't think of whatever animals could be lurking around, or that the gunmen could be just behind her.

Just one foot in front of the other.

She wasn't sure how much time passed. Walking on the road was easier than the jungle and they made better progress. The sun had almost fully risen and the way was illuminated for her.

When she heard voices, she couldn't be sure if she was imagining them. The ringing in her ears hadn't quite abated and she had to be sure she wasn't having an auditory hallucination.

The gate to the BPU camp was just in front of her.

Her legs collapsed and she fell to the ground with Teh half on top of her. It was as if the moment she saw the compound her body finally gave out. Whatever stubborn part of her that was holding on let go and she could no longer move.

Ragged breaths sent dust dancing away from her mouth as she lay there. Lifting her head she tried to call out but couldn't. Her dry throat contracted and nothing but a strangled gasp came out.

She tried again. "H...elp!"

It felt like someone took a knife to her throat and ripped it open. She winced and laid her head back on the ground, trying to stay conscious.

"This is where Joom thinks the ambush happened." Hin said, pointing to a spot on the map they had laid out.

Kitt, John, and Hin were standing around a table in the mess tent. They had commandeered one of the tables to lay a large map out and were plotting out possible rescue routes.

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