Chapter 15: Too Quiet

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Teh clutched his flak jacket as the truck bumped along the road. The sun was filtering in through the canvas top of the truck bed and the heat was torturous. Sweat slicked his hands and he tried wiping them off on his pants. Despite the back of the truck being open, no air filtered in and the air was thick with the mingled breath and sweat from the men sitting inside. Everyone was as spaced out as possible, trying to avoid body heat.

Then there was Devon.

She was sitting at the very back of the truck with her face turned to the opening. Her arms were crossed over her chest and there was a deep scowl on her face. She had not said a word since entering the truck. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a braid and coupled with the murderous look on her face, she looked like she was ready to take a man's head off.

Teh was hoping not to be that man.

An unspoken agreement to keep the silence that Devon seemed to crave was made amongst the soldiers and they all kept their lips sealed.

Joom was sleeping at the front, his helmet bouncing against the metal support struts with every hole and root the truck struck. It didn't seem to bother him as his gentle snores could be heard over the diesel engine. Chokh was nervously fidgeting with his glasses, polishing them over and over as if it was the smudges on the lenses that kept him from seeing and not the terrible vision he was born with.

Ben was driving and Nok was keeping him company. Teh didn't know them very well, they were both older and usually worked opposite shifts to him.

Chokh caught Teh's attention and silently pointed at Devon and mouthed, "What's up with her?"

Teh gave an exaggerated shrug and pointed to himself. "How would I know?" he mouthed back.

Chokh gave him a confused look.

He did the same gesture again and threatened to kick Chokh.

The small man put his glasses back on and then pointed at Devon. "Ask her."

Teh violently shook his head and crossed his arm in an X in front of him. There was no way he was talking to Devon when she was like this. His father told him that women sometimes needed time to cool off when they were mad, and it was best to give them space.

Judging by the amount of times his mother had thrown things at his head, it was not great advice. But it was the only advice he had to work with.

Chokh was still staring at him with his bug eyes and Teh switched sides of the truck so he could sit next to him. Leaning into Chokh he hoped the engine would cover his words.

"I think she's mad at Kitt about the letter from his wife."

Chokh's face dropped. "I forgot about that." he spit

more than whispered in Teh's ear.

Wiping his ear off with a sleeve he shoved at Chokh. "It's none of our business."

"Shouldn't we ask if she's ok?"

"She's not mad at us!"

"I told her about the letter." Chokh pouted.

Teh slapped his forehead with an open palm. Twisting

on the seat he turned to Devon and gently tapped her on the shoulder.

She startled and turned to him, rapidly blinking. It's like

she forgot there were other people in the truck.

In the Golden TriangleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora