Chapter 16: The Hentai Incident

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Kitt couldn't find Devon.

He had looked all over the camp twice. The compound wasn't that big, and it wasn't as if Devon blended in. No one had seen her, and he hadn't seen a trace of the woman since she had stormed off that morning.

At the time, he thought chasing her was a bad idea. She clearly didn't want him to, and he thought maybe with some space she would be willing to listen to him. But now he couldn't find her, and he was getting a little worried. Briefly, he had wondered if she left the camp and went back to Bangkok. But her stuff was still in her tent and Kitt had seen John eating lunch with Hin, so he knew she was still in camp.

The only place he had not checked was the village. Lt. Colonel Khamsi wouldn't likely give him permission to go, not when they were stretched so thin as it was. He would have to wait.

He hated waiting.

The longer he stewed on the events of this morning the more he realized he had colossally fucked up.

Looking back, he knew he should have told Devon about his home life. But at the time, he didn't even think about it. He had no idea things with her would escalate like they did. How could he know that in such a short time he would become so infatuated with her?

He rubbed his face and knew things would have to change. He needed to call Malee and explain everything. To her and to Devon.

Kitt sat down on an overturned crate and dropped his head in his hands.

The sound of crunching gravel made him look up. He registered a very pissed off looking John just a moment before a small brown fist crashed into the side of his jaw.

Kitt fell backwards off the crate and hit the dirt. Acute pain radiated up his jaw and his head spun for a minute. Peripherally he could see Hin holding John back, but there was a soft smile on Hin's face and he didn't look like he was sorry at all.

"You're a dick." John spat.

Kitt used his tongue to make sure all his teeth were firmly in place before sitting up. Brushing dust off his uniform he slowly stood up.

"How long did you wait before tattling to John?" Kitt asked Hin, questioning his loyalty.

Hin smirks and just shrugs. "Honesty is important, Kitt."his words were pointed and Kitt flipped him off.

"Don't start." Kitt rubbed his jaw and glared over John's head at who he thought was his best friend. "You know this is all a miscommunication."

"How could I know that you didn't tell her you were married?"

John no longer looked homicidal but his eyes were still narrowed and the look on his face could peel the paint off a car.

"How could you do that?" John asked.

Kitt was getting really tired of people asking him that.

"I don't owe you an explanation." Kitt said angrily. "Where is Devon?"

John crossed his arms. "Even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you."

Hin glanced between them and then looked down. Kitt knew Hin well enough to know that he was keeping something from them both. Hin had an excellent poker face, but he was a terrible liar. Always had been.

The problem with Hin's lying was that at his core, he was a good person. As a kid he was never punished. All his mom had to say was 'you hurt my feelings' or the classic 'I'm disappointed in you' and Hin would crumble. There had been many times when Kitt and Hin were standing in front of their parents trying to convince them that someone else had broken the dish or put a dent in the car. Kitt's face would be unreadable but it only took a single glance from his mother and Hin would lose it. He would confess everything, and they would both be in trouble.

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