Chapter 5 - Crowns

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Chapter 5 - Crowns

"Noah you gotta wake up Buddy." I rub his back soothingly hoping he'll get up.

"No!" he yells, throwing the covers over his head.

"Come on. Don't you want to go swimming today?" I ask him. He begins to fake snore and I laugh. "I'll get you ice cream," I offer.

"Hey Noah, your girlfriend Maya is coming," Ashley says. Noah throws the cover over himself jumping out of bed. I catch him as he tumbles over, still half asleep.

"That's one way to get him out of bed," Lexi mutters. I hand Noah the outfit for today and he runs into the boys room to get changed.

I throw on a pair of denim shorts and a ribbed red cropped cami over my black bikini. Ashley and Lexi finish getting ready along with us.

"So Ashley," Lexi sings. I told her about the encounter that happened yesterday.

"What's up Lex," Ash says as she shaves her legs in the bathtub. I get started on braiding my curly hair into two French braids.

"You and Sam," I hum, packing Noah a backpack of clean clothes, snacks, water and beach toys. Ashley hides her face, ignoring us.

"Nothing," she says, applying baby oil to her freshly shaven legs. "We're just talking again, that's all," she explains.

"That sure was talking yesterday huh," I laugh. Ashley throws a toothbrush at my head to which I dodge. Lexi and I laugh even harder at how embarrassed Ashley is.

"Shut up," Ashley laughs. I hear a knock at the door and quickly leave the bathroom to answer it.

"Hey Clouds," Andrew greets. I look down seeing Maya and next to Andrew is Paige. She rolls her eyes at Andrew before barging her way in.

"Hi Storm. Glad to see you again," she greets walking to the bathroom where Lexi and Ashley are. I hear a bunch of squeals and giggles but ignore them turning my attention back to Andrew and Maya.

"Hi Einstein and a very beautiful Maya," I lean down, picking her up in my arms as she giggles. She's dressed in black sandals, a beige pink denim skirt, white top tucked in and a giant sun hat.

"Thank you," she giggles, poking my cheek. I walk in the room, setting her down. Andrew closes the door walking back over to us.

"You probably want Noah right?" I ask her. She blushes nodding and I laugh.

"Noah, someone is here for you!" I shout just loud enough for him to hear. 

A series of oohs and Nick saying "Neon your girlfriend is here," follows from the room across. Noah comes running in wearing a pair of black sunglasses too big for his little head.

"Where's Chris," Paige walks out of the washroom. I point to the door where Noah just ran out of and she smiles walking through it.

"So Einstein, any interesting facts about the Bahamas," I stand up, walking over to him.

"The world's third largest wine cellar is in Nassau, with some of the clearest water in the world; they have 700 islands. Take your pick," he says.

"Sure you don't have a superpower like Flash and just googled it," I tease. 

"No actually I do. You figured me out, Clouds, I'm the real life Barry Allen," he plays along.

"Who's ready to swim!" I hear Nick yell. I turn around seeing them all walk into our room. "Me!" Lexi yells while walking out the bathroom with Ashley.

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