Chapter 1 - Same Old

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A Few Weeks Later
"Noah, stop running around. I don't want you to get hurt," I stop him by placing my hands on his shoulder. He's already slipped 4 times. This kid is crazy I swear.

"Okay but can I have juice please," he asks politely.

"Of course Buddy," I lift him up, tickling him as he giggles in my arms. I walk over to the kitchen and place him on the counter. I take out a plastic cup and pour the freshly made lemonade in it before handing it to him.

"Hey are you packed?" I ask Lexi as she walks into the kitchen.

"Yeah what time is the flight?" She questions.

"Six so we have to be there by four. Which means we leave at 3:30AM," I tell her.

"Did you just say 3:30," Ashley walks in shocked.

"Yes, which is why we're going to bed early. Right Noah," I ask looking at him. He nods as he sips on his drink.

"Ugh, wake me up right before we leave. I'm going to sleep," she groans walking out. It's only 9pm right now.

"Alright you ready for bed Noah," I ask, taking the empty cup from his hand.

"No!" Noah yells.

"Don't you want to see Cam, Nick, JJ, Chris and Sam tomorrow," I ask. He nods his head. "Then you need to sleep. It'll go by faster," I whisper.

He closes his eyes holding his hands up in the air and I laugh. I pick him up and walk him over to his room. I lay him down in his bed and place the covers on him. I lean down to kiss his cheek but he beats me to it first kissing mine.

"I love you Stormy," he says.

"I love you too Noey," I say back. I walk over to the door and close it softly. I look around seeing Lexi in the hallway.

"Are you sure you're going to be fine tomorrow," she asks.

"Yes. My bullet wounds have healed and I feel fine. It's been a few weeks Lex, I'm good," I assure her.

"I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about Chris. Your ex, are you going to be fine seeing him again?" She questions. I roll my eyes walking to my room.

"Yes. We can be mature civil adults," I walk into my room and lay on my bed.

"Alright. Goodnight S," she says.

"Goodnight," I yawn, lifting the covers over my body. It'll be fine seeing him again. I mean the break up was somewhat mutual.


"Ashley if you don't have your ass up in 5 minutes we are leaving you!" I yell. I run over to the bathroom to check on Noah brushing his teeth.

"Should I wear shorts now or sweatpants," Lexi asks walking into the bathroom. There's like 7 bathrooms in this house and everyone is always in my ensuite one.

"I thought you wanted us all to wear sweats." I roll my eyes, applying mascara. I've already applied a concealer and curled my hair. It may be 3 in the morning but doesn't mean I can't look good.

"You know what, I'll wear leggings," Lexi walks out of my bathroom as I assume her suitcase of clothes.

I'm wearing Nike pros with grey sweatpants riding low on the waist so you can see the band of my shorts. I throw on a white crop top and grab my jacket. I let Noah dress himself. He wanted to match so he's wearing grey sweats and a white t-shirt and grey zip up.

"I'm ready!" Noah exclaims. He always has so much energy in the morning even at 3. But I know for sure he's going to sleep the whole car ride here.

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