Chapter 4: Back to normality

Start from the beginning

Still, he decided to stay on. To keep trying.

"Stop talking nonsense, you must save your strength to be able to reach the morning!"

Contrary to what was expected, the General was terrified of what could happen. He noticed how the dragon immobilized a part of his body. A few seconds ago he could see how the young man's legs stopped working. He could see how there was no strength to keep them standing. Only the upper part of his body had strength, but it was too weak to support itself.

"All right... I will just listen then..."

"No! Idiot you do not understand that... that you cannot! Stop pretending!"

Touching his naked body with his bare hands felt strange, and something not worthy of doing between two men. But at that moment he couldn't concentrate on formalities and on what was appropriate or not.

"Think about it for a moment, I will finally reunite with my family. And with me gone, you will be able to get as much water as you want... double prize!"

He gave his little idea in the same way the General had given his a few hours ago. Finding it hilarious to himself. To think that even in the midst of his suffering he dared to say such words, irritating the human. But what could he do but put a good face on his miserable situation? The dragon knew that his end was near, why not laugh a little and pass away in the midst of happiness? Wouldn't it be something respectable and honorable?

"No wanker! That is not how it works!!"

"Then better not think about it"

There was a small silence in which only the General's agitated breathing was present, and the grunts of pain from the young man.

"This is my fault..."

Turning to look sideways at the General, his face looked dismayed. With what little strength he had he held Derick's right hand. He tried to give a strong grip to make his hand's presence known. But before he could the General had already held his hand between his own.

"It was already predestined. Yes or yes, I was going to die someday..."

The dragon continued.

"But you know what? I am glad to know that at least I learned a lot more thanks to you... I certainly would have not managed to live outside on my own. Thanks for sharing what you know with me..."

He sighed, and averted his gaze. His voice became more and more muffled, his words were only murmurs...

"And sorry for not being able to put it to use..."

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"

Derick tightened the grip he had on his hand.

"You have to hold on with it! You have to hold on with it! You have to...!"

The hand he was holding became heavy, no longer seeming to support itself. Scared to death, Derick's gaze strayed to the dragon's face.

The dragon's face was paralyzed, not moving at all. Letting go of the hand he held. Searching for a sign of life he raised his hand to his nose, yearning for at least a sigh...

"I am here..."

The young man's lips twitched. Surprised that he was still beside him alive, Derick let out a sigh of relief.

"Forget what I said, please talk to me! I... what will I do if you do not answer me anymore...?!"

Most of the dragon's body was motionless. His face was becoming paralyzed. He could barely make any expression to denote that he still had a short moment of life.

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