Part 1

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My eyes open drearily. I hate not sleeping good, but I can't blame myself for last night or the last few nights. Having a roommate is really hard, especially since I can't fully let myself regress. 'Maybe I'll just take a shower and make the best of my first class of the semester' I think slowly as my mind is starting to function correctly.

Rolling out of bed I grab my round, clear glasses off of the table. I've always despised my face shape, way too small so my glasses almost fall off. Almost everything about me it too small though, but I guess that won't ever change now that I'm 19. Standing at 5'4 I'm not much taller than most girls and most things are small on me besides my pudgy dad-like stomach. I guess being 5'4 and 150 pounds does have it perks when I want to go unnoticed, but it can cause some issues when people make fun.

Grabbing the strawberry shampoo I thoroughly clean my hair. It's always been my most favorite smell. Anything strawberry makes me so happy. My body wash is also strawberry, so I grab it and a nice handful before I begin cleaning myself off for the day. I must've not realized how long I took though because now it's 8:47. 'Oh shoot, I've got class in 13 minutes!'

I quickly lunge to get my pull up out from under my bed and my blue jeans off my nightstand. I usually don't like wearing protection unless it's to bed, but since I haven't been regressing correctly I can't risk a public accident. Next is a light red shirt with a small pocket on the corner that has a strawberry on it. Very fitting for the day if I must say. My standard white socks and black vans are on, as well as my backpack, and I'm out the door and ready for advanced trig. I've always been a math whiz, or at least I'm told. Numbers and letters come easy to me when I can actually completely focus.

Finally arriving at room 209 I stand awkwardly at the door. Professor Johnson is blocking the door from everyone so we can all enter at the same time. 'She's gorgeous' I inwardly and outwardly gawk at her long brown hair and green eyes. 'Better stop that Callum. She wouldn't like you, especially if she found out anything.' At exactly 9:00 she lets us all in. Not to my surprise, everyone goes to the back. I've never liked the back because it's always too loud and I can never fully focus on my work. I pick the seat almost in the middle of the first row. I can see Professor Johnson look directly at me. Shock is written all over her face. She must not have a lot of students sit up front. I hope this isn't a long semester.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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