"Wow, that was weird" I frowned, "Too weird" Luke added, "I wonder what's in there" Manny questioned, "Wake up, Delgado's locked box, from Colombia, no more questions? It's obviously a human head"! Luke suggested, "Why is that always your first guess"? I laughed, "One of these days I'm gonna be right" Luke scoffed. We ran up to Manny's room, "Lock the door" Luke ordered as he put the case onto Manny's bed, "Okay, let's do this" I smirked, "No matter, what we find in there, I will always love my mother" Manny announced. "Even if it's a head"? Luke laughed, "It's not a head" I huffed. Luke opened it, I peered to see it, "Oh, my God! It's a head"! I yelled, "Ah! Finally"! Luke cheered.

Me, Manny and Luke went back downstairs to confront Gloria, "Mom"! Manny huffed, "Guys, what is this doing here"? Gloria gritted through her teeth, "We'll be asking the questions now" Luke sassed, "If you don't mind" I smiled. "I do mind" Gloria huffed, "I apologize" Luke frowned, "We couldn't help ourselves, but I gotta know, why where you hiding this"? I asked taking the puppet out of the case. 

A dramatic organ began to play, "Love this, sold"! A boy laughed as he looked up from the old organ we were selling, "What's the story here"? I asked looking at Gloria, "I don't want to talk about it"! Gloria yelled, "Aw, cute" Uncle Cam smiled walking over, "Oh, where'd that come from"? Mitch asked. "It's Gloria's" I shrugged, "She's being very cagey" Manny added, "We think there is something stashed in the head...it's from Colombia" Luke announced, "Gloria, what's the big deal"? I asked. 

"Fine, when I was young, I was in a beauty pageant, all the other girls, for their talent, were juggiling knives as they always do, but I wanted to stand out, so I came up with...Uncle Grumpy" Gloria explained, "Okay, never been so happy, not leaving until I see it, hit it Gloria"! Uncle Cam smiled, "Excuse me how much is this vase"? A woman asked, "It's yours take it" I smiled looking at Gloria, "So, what do  you need here, a stool? glass of water? How do we make this happen? I need to see this"? Claire questioned.

"You see nothing! That pageant was one of the worst nights of my life, after weeks of rehearsing, I froze, and we where speechless" Gloria sighed, "Oh, and you lost" Uncle Cam frowned, "No, I won, imagine this when I was eighteen, but it was very humiliating, I don't want to do it ever again" Gloria cried, "And yet you kept him all these years, maybe there's a part of you that wants to work through this, get some closure" Alex's boyfriend suggested, "You're wrong whoever you are" Gloria hissed as she took Uncle Grumpy and his case. 

Me and Jay were playing with Stella and Joe in the front yard, still waiting for people to buy stuff, "Hey, have you got any bread? I wanna make sure this thing still works"? A man asked holding a toaster we must be getting rid of, "Yeah, that's not gonna happen" Jay huffed, "Oh, it doesn't have to be bread, I mean I can get the information I need from, like, a bagel, or a frozen waffle-" The man began.

"Look, you're just gonna have to roll the dice on this one" Jay huffed, "I don't know, what's your return policy"? The man asked, "If you return, I'm calling the cops, where did you even get that"? I asked, "From the kitchen" The man sighed, "Give me that"! Jay yelled snatching the toaster off him, "You selling the pot-bellied pig"? The man asked pointing at Stella, "Get out of my driveway" Jay ordered, "You're not pig, Stella" I smiled, "You're daddy's little girl" Jay chuckled. 

I was putting the toaster back and I over heard a conversation between Alex and her boyfriend, "I want you to know it's okay either way, but...are you gay"? Alex asked, my mouth hung open wide waiting for the answer, "What?! No! I'm not! I-I took you to prom, I kissed you, unless you're a boy, I'm pretty sure I'm straight, are-are you a boy"? Alex's 'boyfriend' defended himself, "No" Alex shook her head, "Right, so then I'm straight" Alex's boyfriend huffed, "I didn't mean to make you mad" Alex frowned. 

"I'm not mad...I'm just...angry"! Alex's boyfriend yelled, "I'm sorry...and those are synonyms" Alex frowned, "You just know everything today, can you just give me a minute"? Alex's boyfriend asked, Alex left the table we he was sat me and Jay then walked in, "Hey, can I help yo"? Jay asked oblivious of what just went on, "Yeah, why does everyone think I'm gay"?! Alex's boyfriend yelled, me and Jay just gulped down and walked straight back out, "God, I hate yard sales"! Jay whisper yelled. 

I walked back out to help Gloria, Luke walked over, "Sorry for snooping around and finding your old man doll" Luke apologized, "In Colombia, If you snoop around in the wrong box, you might end up inside that box"! Gloria hissed, "Yeah, we shouldn't have done that" I frowned, "Now I feel bad for Manny" Luke added, "What do you mean"? Gloria asked. "Well, I don't know he's always talking about how brave you are, how you're not afraid of anything, now, he just seems a little sad" Luke explained, "How sad"? I asked, "Don't worry, it's a good thing, he needs a little does of reality, you walk around school telling everyone how great your mommy is all the time, you find yourself on the business end of a wedgie" Luke explained. 

"Gather around everybody, I want you to meet somebody"! Gloria announced as she grabbed Unlce Grumpy, "Uncle Grumpy" Me and Uncle Cam shrieked, "Holy Maracas!  I think I sit on the right lap" Uncle Grumpy 'cackled', "Uncle Grumpy we're in public" Gloria blushed," Ay! Look at all those white faces! I see we made it over the wall"! Uncle Grumpy yelled, "Uncle Grumpy are you in a bad mood"? Gloria asked. 

"Damn right I am!  just came here from the movies, a whole days pay to see  'basic instinct" Uncle Grumpy whined, "Oh, and what did you think"? Gloria asked, "Basically it stinked"! uncle Grumpy cackled, everyone laughed, "You're so grumpy" Gloria smiled, "Damn right I am! I just me the girl of my dreams" Uncle Grumpy stated, "That's such great news" Gloria smiled, "No! She gave me the termites-" Uncle Grumpy began, Jay walked out, "Gloria I'm just gonna- Oh, jeez I don't even wanna know what this is, I'm out of here" Jay announced "You're leaving"? I asked, "Damn right I am! The only difference between this and a home invasion is I get to shoot people at a home invasion"! Jay yelled, "Oh, my God, she married her puppet" I laughed. 

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐓- 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝟏Where stories live. Discover now