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We went our separate ways, right before he stepped onto his elevator, I heard him answer the phone.

"Hey Pop!"

It was Frank, I wondered if he was going to ask about me.

While I was getting dressed, I decided to check the tracker on Keith's car. He was still at work. I continued getting dressed. I put on my black bikini and topped it with a wrap around cover up. Angel called my room phone, "Hey, I'm headed down."

I replied "on my way."

We met in the lobby and Angel was holding a brochure that included a list of bars that were located on the beach and inside the resort. He insisted on going to the beach, so that's where we headed.

I was like a kid in a candy store, standing there in awe of the view. There were palm trees, bar stools in the ocean, waitresses and waiters in swimsuits and more. I'd never seen anything more beautiful.

"This is unbelievable" I squealed.

Angel leaned in and said "Let's fuck shit up".

We both laughed.

"Let's fucking do it" I said.

" Hi, can I get you guys something?" A waitress offered

I started "it's been a long week. What would you suggest?

She replied, "Uh, we have drink called The Toxic Shot. It's 3 different tequilas and vodka mixed and served with your choice of chaser."

"I'll take two with no chaser" Angel interrupted.

I looked in shock and said "give me one of those with pineapple juice as chaser and a passion fruit mojito."

"Alright, I have that coming right up for you."

"Two?" I questioned Angel.

"I need 4 but I'll start classy" he insisted

We stood waiting for our drinks and then we noticed a couple of older guys waving to get Angel's attention.

"Oh, fuck! That's Arnold and Harold. Dad's old college buddies. They also own financial agencies, and well, They can be a little blunt. Come on"

"Little Angel!" One of the men yelled. They hugged and shook hands. They also extended their condolences and told him that they would be flying out for the funeral services.

One of the men broke the mood and looked at me and said, "Well hot damn, boy. Talk about upgrading."

Angel said "Fellas, allow me to introduce you to Deysire Washington. She's the top financial accountant at the firm. Deysire these two antiques are Arnold Fisher and Harold Sims."

"Deysire? That's a pretty name for a pretty girl." The other man said while handing me a flower from his drink.

I smiled and said "Hi.".

Angel noticed my awkwardness and said "alrighty fellas, if you will excuse us, we're going to get back so that the waitress doesn't think we skipped out."

The two men told us that they looked forward to seeing us the next day and hopefully we could all meet for lunch before the week ends.

Angel and I headed back over, grabbed two empty stools and finally, our drinks arrived.

Angel held his glass up

"To moms"

"To moms" I cheered. We took our toxic shots and GAAHTDAMN! My chest was burning, I felt like a dragon, breathing fire.

Angel was fine and already downing his second shot.

My phone rang, it was Frank. I decided to answer.


"Deysire, how are you?"

"Oh, I'm well Mr. Frank. How are you?"

"Is my son around you?"

"Angel? Yes sir! He's here with me."

"Call me tonight, I need to talk to you."

"Yes sir, I will"

"Talk to you later"

"Thanks for calling. Bye, bye!"

"What did he say?" Angel asked.

"He just told me to make sure you tried to have some fun this week."

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