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Frank looked at me, he said

"What do you feel right now?"

"I don't know." I responded.

He grabbed my hand and said

"Promise me, if anything becomes too much for you, you'll tell me. I don't want to ever make another woman feel she has to bear the weight of the world on her own again."

" I promise".

Frank raised his head and pulled mine to his and kissed me. In that moment, none of it mattered. The sins Of Keith, Amanda, Stephanie, and even my own guilt was washed away by Frank's kiss. We just held each other.

Frank tossed and turned all night. He started calling her name in his sleep and I just held him tighter.

The next morning when I woke up, Frank was getting dressed.

"Where are you going?" I asked

He sighed and dropped his head "to plan a funeral"

I looked at him in silence. I had nothing to say. I got up and headed for the shower.

"Where are you going?" Frank asked

"Just to get a few things together before leaving for Miami." I replied

He said "Right. The convention does start in two days. I have an idea, take the day off and go pamper yourself. My treat."

I looked at him said "I wasn't exactly going to work."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Your daughter in law told me to take a few days."

"She's on a real power trip right now, huh? I'll get her straight"

I said "NO! Don't say anything, I can take care of myself.

I stepped out of the shower and Frank wrapped a towel around me. He looked at me and said "if it becomes too much, will you tell me?"

I shook my head yes. Frank then planted a kiss on my forehead. I felt protected. He reached into his pocket, grabbed his wallet and handed me a black Amex card. He said "please take this and go enjoy the day.

"Frank, I..

"Deysire, please! Let me show my appreciation for you being here for me last night."

"Okay" I agreed.

He kissed me on the lip and headed for the door.

He looked at me

"Will you come back tonight?

I didn't tell him what was going on in my personal life or the fact that I wasn't going home. I told him that I would be there. He smiled and left out the door.

I decided to check my phone. 4 missed calls from Keith and 6 from Amanda. I wondered what she could possibly want after backstabbing me. I turned my notifications on and then I started getting dressed. My phone rang and to my surprise it was Amanda.

Now, I thought of how to let her ass have it but figured I'd play it cool.


"Hey Dee, I've been calling you."

"What's up?"

"I just haven't heard from you. Are you good?"

"Yeah, just out of town" before I knew it, I had hung up. I had nothing to say, for all I knew, Keith was sitting right there with her. Maybe he had her to call. I thought of a number of things, and just like that, I was mad all over again.

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