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As we get down the main hallway, there's a gym, an arcade room, home theater and an indoor basketball court. We continued to walk and talk and we approached an office. He said "this is where I spend most days, come in and let me show you. He directs me into the room and that's when I heard the door lock.

I turned around in a panic and he chucked and said "it's okay, Deysire it locks automatically for security".

I assured him that I wasn't worried. He walks over to his desk and shows me the system he uses at home and how he couldn't wait to incorporate the upgrade to the firm. I was amazed at how convenient the system was.

As he was locking the computer back up, I took the opportunity to send Keith over a quick text.
"Thinking of you, wish you were here with me. I love you".

I headed for the door and that's when Mr. Frank stopped me

"That dress looks amazing on you"

I turned in a state of shock "Thanks, Mr. Hope"

"Pleasure is mine, Deysire" he said in a seductive tone as he walked closer to me.
I moved out of his way, thinking he was headed out the door. He looked at me and said "loosen up"

"I uh.. I uh... Mr. Frank, what are you doing?" I asked.

"I see how you look at me and you have to be blind to not sew how I look at you."

"I'm married, Mr. Frank. So are you." I stated.

He stood back and placed his hands into his pockets and said
"I'm well aware that I'm married and I'm well aware you're married. What I also know, Deysire is that you're not wearing panties...*he begins to pace* he probably hasn't made love to you in a while now, I can tell by how tense you are and you're horny right now"

I stood there with a puzzled look on my face "how does he know this?" I thought.

"Am I right?" He asked while offering me a shot of cognac

I began to stutter "Mr. Hope, I think I should leave.

He sat on the edge of his desk and said
"I can't force you to do anything, the door is there"
I stood looking at him as he continued
"You can walk out of this room and everything stays normal or you can come here *he motioned with his hands* and let me make you feel like you want to feel tonight."
He stood up, looking at me while licking his lips.
I stood in silence and nervously peeked
at my phone.
Still no reply from Keith.
That's when I downed the shot and put my phone and glass down on the table and headed towards him.

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