Fucking cheater pt2

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Fucking cheater continued...

(My sister in the mm )

Dropping my phone on the floor, they both jumped quickly. "BABY!" Poppa yelled, quickly climbing out of the bed."So I leave for two hours and this is what happens?" Tears began to fall from my eyes as I shook my head.This can't be happening...."You asshole, how could you do this to me?! Who the fuck is she?!" I yelled."SHAN, mama it's not even like that- relax!""Relax?!?! DYLAN ARE YOU SERIOUS?! YOU'RE DICK DEEP, FUCKING A BITCH IN MY HOME, IN OUR BED BUT YOU WANT ME TO RELAX?" I shouted.

"Don't tell me to fucking relax!!" I yelled, snatching the cover off of the girl face."jessamine?" I gasped.More tears started to flow from my eyes, seeing my sister laid up in my bed.My sister! My own fucking sister!"My own sister Dylan , really?! JESSAMINE MY BOYFRIEND REALLY?! You ain't nothing but a Hoe , I been said it." I said slapping her across her face.She held her face in her hand, beginning to sob. "Shan, I'm so sorry I didn't mean for any of this to hap-""Save that shit for another bitch, get the fuck out of my house before I do something I regret.""Shan -

"GET THE FUCK OUT!" I screamed, throwing her clothes at her as she ran out of my bedroom.Dylan quickly slid his boxers back on, taking a seat on the bed. "How long?" I mumbled."What?" Dylan said."HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN FUCKING MY SISTER?""Shan please let's no-""I wanna know and I wanna know now!" I said, staring him in the eyes."Nine months.." he mumbled.My mouth fell open, hearing those words fly out of his mouth crushed me even more. "Nine fucking months Dylan ?! nine months?!"dylan swallowed his spit, rubbing his hands on his face. "Yeah.""Wow..." I said, pacing back and forth. "Was it me?""Mama no-" He said, grabbing ahold of my arm."Get the fuck off of me, I'm not your baby nigga fuck you." I said, snatching my arm away.Sighing, he took a seat back on the bed, looking up at me. "Baby it wasn't you, the shit just happened. I was bugging, wasn't thinking straight yo.""I hate you for making me feel like this.." Walking into our shared closet, I threw out my gucci luggage and started throwing my clothes in there."baby please, don't leave.. I love you." He groaned, placing his hand on my suitcase."Yeah, that's why you've been fucking my sister  for nine months?" I chuckled."baby look-".

save it I'm fucking done with your ass I went in the closet and got my suit case and put my shit in it and left .hopping in my car Hey siri, play I should've cheated by Keyshia Cole."

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