Behind bars pt2

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Behind bars continued....

I grabbed my book bag from off of the table along with my keys.

Hearing whining coming from Bella , I turned around with a pout.Bending down, I rubbed her fur giving her a kiss on the top of her head. "I'll be back Bella , I'm gonna go see your Daddy." I picked her up walking her to her cage. Taking just a few more seconds to cuddle her, I bent down placing her inside. Keeping the cage slightly ajar I walked towards her dog food and bowl.

Pouring some food into the bowl, I picked it up and placed it inside the cage. She already had her water inside. The cage we bought her was pretty spacious so she had enough room to walk around, eat and lay down when she felt tired. Closing and locking the door.

Picking up my keys, I turned out all of the lights and made my way towards the front door.Making sure to lock the front door I walked towards the car. I was greeted by his security Dave .

Out of the 6 months jameek been gone he insisted I have security everywhere I went. He didn't want anyone to get a chance to catch me alone. He didn't want to go through the extra steps to get someone hurt if they did try it.Stepping around the open backseat door. I got in.

Morning Dave , how are you?"

I greeted"I'm doing good kid, you aight? You wanna make any stops before we go?" He asked looking through the rear view mirror."No, I just wanna get there." It was now 8:45 and the drive to meek was about an hour out. I didn't want to risk losing the opportunity to visit him because we stopped."Did you eat?""Yes I ate some cereal before I left." I lied.

Since meek been locked up I haven't really had the urge to eat anything. I made it a habit to where I couldn't even finish a whole meal, and if I forced myself I would throw it all up."Janaiya , I'm taking your word for it. Just let me know if you change your mind.  Okay?""Okay." I nodded.

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