The meet and greet

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I currently just arrived at this place where there is supposed to be a meet and greet for people who are from out of town . I walked in and sat down where there was some empty seats and I'm just waiting to see what happens here .

Janaiya POV
I just made it to this place we're your supposed to meet new people and have fun but the only thing about it is that it's for people who are from out of town and I'm just here as a favor for my I walk in and take a seat in front of a pretty girl .

Mani POV
I just arrived at this place because my damn gps wanted to take me all around the world but I walked in and just took a seat any where because I was tired form my gps .

Shanty POV
I just made it to my sister (Nora) meet and greet.she thinks I need to get out more and meet new people so here I am at this meet and greet . I walk in and I'm ready to go already because I don't like meeting new people but i just sit next to this girl and wait on my sister to start this thing .

Host POV
Hello girls and welcome to my meet and greet I am your host Nora and I will be telling y'all something about me and hopefully when I'm done y'all will go mingle with other people. So I'm start off by saying I am the youngest out of three i come from a family of drug dealers and my sister is actually here tonight .shanty please stand up and introduce your self .

Shanty POV
So I'm just sitting here until I heard my sister say my name I look up and give her one of thos really nigga face like omg but I got up and introduced my self .well I'm shanty and I'm Nora sister we are from California and we stay with our mom and we love dogs and yea that's it really .

Host POV
Well thank you shanty for that now since we have told y'all a little about us it's y'all turn to go meet some people and tell them about y'all .anyways have fun if y'all need me I will be by the snack station and drinks


Do you think they will like each other ?
What happens when they meet each other?

Boys in the act of there women's Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ