Behind bars pt3

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Janaiya . I shivered as we made our way into the cold building, clenching my jacket tighter to me I looked up at Dave . "It's freezing.""Nah dead ass." He said, handing me his coat. Walking over to the front desk, we were greeted by a small framed woman. "Good morning, how can I help you all?""We're here to visit someone.

"She pointed down the hallway, having one of the guards lead us there. "Right down the hallway, make a left at the corner:"Following her instructions, we did as told. At the very end of the hallway, their was another desk where another woman sat at, except she was much bigger than the other lady and of a darker complexion."What are y'all folks here for today?""We're here for visiting hours.""Who are y'all hear to see?""Jameek Huston .

" We said in unison.Climbing from behind her seat, she walked over to the metal detector. "Come through here."Taking everything out of my pockets, I placed my book bag in the black bin they had sitting on the table. I walked through, coming out clean as did Dave .

Handing us back our things, she gave us both badges and led us to where we would be waiting for meek. "Right through there." She said, returning back to her desk. She pointed to a door in the visitation room that was separated by glass.Nodding, I grabbed the doorknob. Seeing a few other families in the room, we took a seat at table that was far back in the corner. "I look okay?" I asked Dave .

"Why do you always do this? We do this how many times a month? and every single time you get so nervous." He joked. "You look fine, chill."I watched as one of the prisoners picked up his son, giving him a big hug and a kiss. The son laughed and hugged his dad even tighter.Sighing, I looked down at my nails. I wouldn't be able to have a kid while Meeks in here.

The light above us began to flash green indicating that they were sending meek out, the nervousness in my body began to be more noticeable as I bounced my leg up and down.An officer escorted meek out to our table, as he began to detach the cuffs from around his wrist.

"You got an hour." The officer said, before walking away from our table."Suck my dick." Jameek said, sticking his middle finger up at the cop.

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