But of course, they heard me. They notice everything I do, every move I make. Mateo runs into the room to see if I'm okay. Well, obviously I'm not. He tries to studies my face, but he has no idea what's going on.

"What happened, tesoro? Are you alright?" He asks me moving closer to me, but I flinch and crawl away. He looks at me with a sad expression, not having a clue about what's going on.

"I- I have to get back to my dorm. I need to study for a test. I'll see you tomorrow." I stand up, trying to hide my emotions.

Mateo grabs me by my arm a little too hard, and I let out a yelp. He immediately lets me go and looks with a worried look across his face. I storm out of the door down the hall. I pass the two other men. They try to take a hold of me, but I'm rushed out the door.

I didn't even try to take a cab, I just ran away. I ran away from his house back to my dorm as fast as I could. Lucky me I'm on the track team, so I'm a pretty good runner. I hear my phone ringing a few times. I grab it out of my back pocket and I turn it off.

When I make it back to the dorms I immediately run in, and up to my room. I fall on my bed and let the tears roll down.

I am so stupid. I'm such a stupid bitch. I can't tell them. I just can't, even though I really want to. I don't want them involved with that. With that part of my life. Nobody knows about that. I don't want anyone to know.

I wouldn't care if anyone knew, it would just really suck. Everyone would probably pity me. They would take distance from me, not wanting to cause anything that would make me think of my so-called trauma experience.

That's bullshit. It's not trauma. Maybe I get triggered sometimes, yes. But I'm not scared of anyone. I'm only scared of him. I'm not even scared by Mateo and the other two. I'm not scared if they touch me. Sometimes I flinch, yes. But they never seemed to notice it.

I also wonder how they haven't noticed my scars before. I mean, I have a lot of scars on the place they've. Maybe they just never took any interest in it? Or they were just too horny to ever even notice. I hope they didn't notice them though. That would resolve a lot of questions.

I stand up from my bed and decide to do what I told them I was going to do. I sit behind my desk and grab my notes and my laptop. I put on the laptop and open the program. While it's loading I decide to change into some more comfortable clothes.

I dress out of my baggy jeans and tanktop. I change into an oversized shirt I stole from Elijah, it smells exactly like him. I decide not to wear anything underneath it. It's just more comfortable. I put my hair up in a bun and sit behind my desk to get started.

I try to write things down, but my hands keep shaking. I can't seem to concentrate. Fuck. I can't think about anything else but the boys. The way I just left them. But I can't tell them. At least not yet. I just have to come up with a really good lie or excuse.

I decide to just stop doing all the things I'm doing. I turn off my laptop and put it away, along with my notes. I stand up from the seat and grab some grey sweatpants from my closet. I put on my white Nike's, grab a bag and walk out of the door.

Coffee time it is.

When I arrive at the cute little coffee shop I've been going to a lot, I see Val standing there. How does he even know I go here? I never told them I went here. I try to hide from him, but these boys don't seem to miss anything.

"We were so worried about you, Mal. What happened?" He asks his hand on my arm. I try not to flinch at his touch.

I decided to show no emotion or affection. Tell him you had to study. Tell him you ran away so fast because you needed to get things done, otherwise you might lose your scholarship, and neither of you wants that. Do it, Mal. Be fucking strong you bitch.

"I had to study," I say with a straight face. "I have a very big and important test in a few days. Just wanted to catch up with it to get a better grade."

"Mal, don't. I know your lying to me so just tell me the truth. Please. I won't tell Mateo or Elijah."

"I don't care whether they know or not. I just don't want to do anything about it, okay? Can you just drop it and trust me on this? Trust me for once? I'm allowed to have my own things, right?" I yell at him.

"I do, we do trust you. And of course, you can have your own things, we all have our own things. We just care about you sweets. We just want to take care of you. You're ours, baby. Ours to take care of. We only want what's best for you."

"What's best for me, is for you three to leave me alone for a few days. That's what's best for me. I just need some time. I need some time for myself."

"Just tell me what we can do."

"Nothing for now. Just let me be for a few days, please. I'll see you tomorrow in class. I'll come over this weekend again okay? Saturday at your house, right? I'll be there at 5. I promise." I stand up to kiss him on his cheek and he allows me by putting his hand on my waist.

He presses a long kiss onto my forehead. He looks into my eyes, looking for reassurance. I tell him it's okay and that I'll be fine with a look in my eyes and a slight nod. We let go of each other and part our ways.

It's Wednesday. Just a few days Mallory. You can live without them for a few days. You did it before you met them your whole life.

I walk into the coffee shop like I was planning to the whole time. I order a small coffee I pay. I turn around to walk out of the coffee shop and I'm faced with someone familiar, I just cant place him.

He keeps looking at me as if I should know him. I look back at him with a confused face. He wants to make his way over to me when he's cut off by the lady that's taking his order. He looks at me once again with a mysterious look on his face. He looks like someone, I just don't know who.



beginning of the chapter was a dream/flashback

It really happened

Sorry for the short chapter, but it's something

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