Rodrigo took a step forward. "I'll find a spot. Don't worry about me. Thank you very much." He took a couple of steps away from Sybil and James.

Sybil saw James give her a sad look. She went forward and stood in front of Rodrigo. "Sir, we can find you a place to stay the night, if you need it."

"You're too kind," said Rodrigo.

"Don't think twice about it. It won't be the most comfortable place, but I suspect it'll be better than staying out in the cold." Sybil took the blanket and pillow from James. "Follow me."

Sybil led Rodrigo and James inside through the staff quarters, stopping at a room at the end of the hall.

"Whom does this room belong to?" asked James.

"No one," answered Sybil.

Rodrigo looked at James weirdly. "Why don't you know this?"

"He's new," answered Sybil as she opened the dusty room. "The room might not be in the best shape, but at least you'll have a bed."

"Again, I owe you one Lady Sybil," said Rodrigo.

"You two know each other?" asked James.

"We met earlier on the road," said Sybil.

"Yes, I seem to be having a run of bad luck," said Rodrigo. "The Lady here has shown me a kindness."

"You don't have to call me a Lady."

"Why not? You are a Lady."

"No I'm not. Lady is a title for the head of the house."

"The high society. I feel that's nonsense."

"Sir," said James. "May I ask, where are you from?"

"I was born in Spain, but for the past five years, I've been living in Berkshire." Rodrigo sat down on the bed and rubbed his bad leg.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but how did you suffer your injury?" asked James as he pointed at his leg.

"It happened two years ago," said Rodrigo. "Sad thing was it happened towards the end of the war."

"You don't have to tell us if you don't want to," said Sybil.

"No, it's okay. There was a man I became good friends with, or at least I thought I did. You see, during the beginning of my deployment, I was caught in the trenches with a no man's land between us and the enemy."

"No man's land?"

"It's exactly that, a piece of land unoccupied, with men fighting each other from both sides. But the day I was there, one of our men got caught in the middle of no man's land. He was pinned down and he surely was going to die."

"How did he get there?" asked James.

"Our troops tried to advance but it didn't go well. Most of them were killed, for the exception of this one man. He cried out for aid and I couldn't help myself. I went into no man's land and by some sort of luck of God, I was able to rescue him and come out unharmed."

"Remarkable," said Sybil.

Rodrigo smiled. "I thought so too. The fellow and I became good friends after that. We stuck together for most of the war."

"That's amazing," said James. "He owed you his life."

"You would believe so, but I guess he didn't feel the same way."

"What happened?"

"We were caught in a battle where we were forced to retreat. That was when I was shot in my leg," said Rodrigo, rubbing his leg. "I called out to my friend. He stopped long enough to look back at me, but instead of paying back the favour, he retreated."

"I'm sorry," said Sybil.

"Don't be. You didn't betray me."

"How did you survive?" asked James.

"Luck, I guess."

"Whatever happened to the man?"

"I have no idea. I never saw him again." Rodrigo had a sad look on his face as he had his sights to the floor.

"We should be heading to bed," said Sybil as she put a hand on James' arm. "Get some rest. I'll return in the morning and we can get you on your way."

"Thank you again," said Rodrigo with a sad looking smile.

"It's no problem," said Sybil as she led James out. She closed the door and turned to James. "You know what you have to do," she whispered. "No one can know he stayed here or we'll be fired."

"I understand," said James.

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