Why We Do It

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The Silver Talon was running down the street, holding large bags of money as he just finished robbing a bank. He was having a good time when he reached the bridge. There were police sirens in the distance but that wasn't what worried him. No, the person he was worried about was a lot more dangerous than the police.

The Silver Talon was halfway across the bridge when he felt something off. He stopped and took a look back. He didn't see a thing and returned his attention forward. Nothing again, but he was getting goosebumps. There was a gust of wind and he looked up.

"Damn it," he said just as he was tackled off the bridge.

He hit the water hard, but managed to keep his grip on his money. All became black as he began to drown.


The Silver Talon coughed up water as his vision came back. It was blurry but the first thing he saw was a green masked figure.

"Ugh," said the Silver Talon as he turned on his side and spat out some more water. He was staring at the ground as he caught his breath. "Damn it Captain Quill. Can't you just leave me alone for one night."

"Of course not," said Captain Quill. "As long as you keep playing the role of villain, I'll continue to stop you."

"You are ridiculous."

"Says the thief with claws. Didn't I put you in jail? How are you out already?"

"You should know by now, you can't keep me in a cage for too long," said the Silver Talon as he turned around and lied on his back. He was looking up at Captain Quill who was standing proudly over him. "Come on Cap, let me get away this one time."

"Never." Captain Quill laughed. "I will say it's impressive how you're still holding those bags even after almost drowning."

"It's my money. I stole it fair and square."

"Are you listening to yourself? It's yours because you stole it fairly? What kind of logic is that?"

"Code of the thief," said the Silver Talon as he sat up. "Now can you just let me be on my way?"

"Of course not," said Captain Quill. "You're going to jail. Hopefully we can keep you there for a good while this time."

"Can I stand up or are you going to kick me back down?"

"You can stand as long as you don't try anything."

The Silver Talon stood up, the bags of money still gripped tightly in his hands. "I won't try anything. I know there's nothing I can do to you. There's nothing anyone can do to you it seems."

"Is there something you would like to say?"

"Don't you get tired of playing the hero?" The Silver Talon cleaned himself off as he looked around at his surroundings. He tried to see if there was a way out but deep down, he knew Captain Quill would catch him.

"Don't you get tired of playing the villain?"

"Not even a little bit. It's fun running around and doing whatever I want. Do you know how that feels?"

"I do what I want."

"I doubt that."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean exactly that. I doubt you actually do whatever you want. I read the newspapers-"

"You can read," mocked Captain Quill, cutting him off. "What a shock."

The Silver Talon rolled his eyes. "Funny. The people follow you very closely. There's nothing you do that they don't know."

"Your point?"

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