Leo x Ice!reader- Don't Die (Pt. 1)

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Prompt- You can't die. Please don't die.

Your POV

Before you went out on the mission, you had made Leonardo promise something.

"Promise me you'll be careful okay?" You told him. He gave a small smile as he pulled you into his chest for a hug.

"You can't die. Please don't die," you practically begged him as you clung to him tightly.

"I won't. I promise," he said into your hair.

You had trusted him to keep that promise. And now you weren't so sure.

Watching someone get hurt is always tough.

Watching someone be thrown off a building is even worse.

So when you watched Shredder carelessly toss Leo's unconscious body off the roof, you snapped.

"LEONARDO!" You screamed as you ran to the edge and watched him plummet down. You jumped off the building after him, not caring how badly you got hurt.

Time seemed to stop as Leo got closer to the ground, not opening his eyes or attempting to slow his fall.

The sound of him hitting the concrete almost made you pass out. His shell cracked forcefully against the ground, his head following not far behind as he made a dent in the concrete of the alley. A small pool of blood stared to form around him. You used your ice powers to slow your fall and land gracefully beside him.

"No-..." you covered your mouth with trembling hands and just stood, looking at him. Until the logic part of your brain screamed at you to help him.

You ran and kneeled next to him to check his pulse. Your heart almost stopped when you couldn't find one.

"No, No no. DONNIE!" You screamed as you started CPR. Because of Leo's plastron, you had to use way more force than you would on a normal human, tiring yourself out quicker. But you didn't give up, you couldn't. Crunches and cracks of ribs under your hands made you feel sick.

He promised he wouldn't die.

"Y/N!" Yelled a voice from behind you. You ignored it and just continued to press down on Leo's chest, not caring if you hurt yourself in the process. Raph bent down beside you as you screamed with anger and exhaustion. He pushed your hands off Leo's chest and took over the compressions. You flopped backward as you looked at the stain of Leo's blood all over your hands. You then looked at him over Raphs arms. He was so-... lifeless, the blood leaving his body and pooling under him, his normally ocean blue eyes closed while his lips took over the blue colour.

He promised he wouldn't die.

Raph started to slow down, tired but not wanting to give up.

"Come on Leo. Don't do this to us. Ya can't leave. We need you," he said over and over again. Donnie appeared moments later, his brown eyes widening as he sprinted over to where Leo was laying.

"LEO!" He yelled. He took over from where Raph left off, pushing with more ferocity than you and Raph combined. Raph swept his trembling hands over his face.

"Come on. Wake up. Just take a breath. Please," panted Donnie. Leo stayed unresponsive on the ground and you started to panic.

A painstaking five minutes passed before Donnie sat back on his heels and put his head in his hands.

He promised he wouldn't die.

You stared at Leo's body, mortified. Then all of your self control flew out the window all at once and you slammed your fists down on his chest.

"NO!" You pounded his chest over, and over, and over.

"WAKE UP!!" You screamed as the air around you turned cold. Voices called your name but were muffled and warped in your ears. You felt hands on your arms, pulling you away as the ringing in your ears blocked out all the noise, but you let out a screech and your powers took over. Your hair turned back into white,
while your eyes turned glowing blue, and a blast of ice and cold shot out from your body, forcing whoever was behind you to back away. You just kept pounding on Leo's chest.

He promised he wouldn't die.

"WAKE UP!!" You kept slamming down on his chest, probably doing more harm than good at this point. But you couldn't stop.

He promised...

A strangled gasp came from his lips and you froze, as did the others. Donnie bent down and checked.

"He has a pulse," he said. But his relief faded as quickly as it came. "But he's unstable. We need to get him back to the lair, now." A noise from behind you made you all glance up to see Mikey driving the shellraiser at breakneck speed towards you. He slid to a stop, opening the back as he did. The look on his face was the most intense and serious you've ever seen it.

The rest of that time is a blur. You remember hauling unconscious Leo into the shellraiser and Mikey speeding home, and then moving him into Donnies lab. Donnie shooed you all out and locked the lab door, saying if he needed help he would come get one of you.

Now you were sitting on the couch, your blank stare focused on your blood stained hands. You vaguely heard Raphael walk over to you and sit down beside you, letting out a sigh. You slowly turned your head to look at him and what you saw made you finally break. His green eyes were teary and dark, a few tear stains trailing down his cheeks. He looked at you so sadly and you finally let your emotional walls crumble.

He pulled you into him and leaned against the back of the couch, his muscular arms wrapped around you tightly as you wept into his plastron. He shushed you gently, rubbing his hand softly up and down your arm as he hugged you tightly. For as much as he pretended to be tough, the turtle was just a big softy. And seeing this rare display of emotion was odd for him. The most emotional of the four, Mikey, had locked himself into his room as soon as Leo went into the lab.

You stayed like that for a long time, curled up against him as you cried and he just held you and tried to calm you down. Although he wasn't good with words, this was the most comforting thing he could ever do for you.

"He'll be okay," his voice rumbled though his chest on to your head, but you could still heard the raw emotion in it as it cracked slightly.
"He'll be okay."

This is a two parter. I'll post the other part later today probably... if I remember.... Oh well

I hope you guys enjoyed!!

My poor baby Leo😢

XX Shadow


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