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Killer POV:
Boss, or nightmare, has been crying in his room for over a month now, he had been refusing to eat ever since that incident happened with Dream. I could understand why he was heartbroken, Dream was his brother after all. Me and the rest of the group carefully went up to Nightmares door, I softly knock on it, "boss? You've been in there for over a month now. We're all worried for you! Can you come out? Please?" There was only cry's and sniffles coming from his room. I look at dust and give him a worried look, we all cared dearly for nightmares sake. "I- we get you're sad about Dream, and we get that you might need more time. But can you at least eat something? Please? For us?" There was sniffles in return, it seemed like nightmare had calmed down. "I-...I just need more time...I-..." There was some more sniffling, "I don't think I'm ready to accept it yet..." I sigh and turn around, "cmon, he needs some more time to get over it, we should give him some room." The rest of the group nods and silently leave nightmares door.

No one POV:
Blue hugged onto ink and poured his eyes out as soon as he heard the news, "W-WHY DIDNT DREAM SAY SOMETHING A-ABOUT IT?! *sniff*" ink hugs blue back, equally as sad but trying his best not to cry. "H-hey! I-...I'm sure he was going to tell us!" "DOES-...DOES HE NOT TRUST US?...WHY DIDNT HE AT LEAST TELL SOMEONE!?" Blue, being a few inches smaller than ink, dug his face in inks shirt, soaking it in the process. Ink gave up trying to hide it, he began to cry uncontrollably, "h-hey! C-calm down *sniff* I'm sure he's in a *sniff* b-better place now!" Ink wipes away his tears only for them to immediately show back up again.


It looks like no one is taking dreams demise to lightly, I don't have a finished planned out plan. So I May be a little late on posting chapters since because of that.

Words: 361

Shattered hopes(sequel to shattered glass)Where stories live. Discover now