Journal Log #3: It's Complicated

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Dream opened his eyes. 

He looked around his new surroundings curiously, like a house cat being introduced to the outdoors. 

It was a field, a soccer field, bright, green, and freshly mowed. He looked around for his younger self out of habit. Much to his surprise, Dream found Sapnap standing behind him, looking much younger, with glossier hair and dressed in a soccer uniform. 

Dream silently stared at Sapnap running across the field. Due to Dream's poor vision, he only saw a small blurry figure come out from the other side of the field, walking towards Sapnap.

As the figure came closer, Dream realized it was his past self, greeting Sapnap. He ran towards the two to hear the conversation better. 

"Dream! What took you so long? And dude, why are you not dressed in our uniform?" Sapnap asked.

Past Dream laughed. "I can't wear that Sapnap. You know I can't play anymore either."

Sapnap sighed. "I know, I really wish you could. I miss our practices together."

"I'm here. I can just sit down and watch you. We can talk too." 

Dream smiled at his past self, picking up the little details of his personality, seeing how much he cared for his friendship with Sapnap.

Sapnap laughed. "Okay. Oh, and by the way, you're still coming with me to the forest?"

Past Dream smiled. "Tomorrow at 3. Definitely. Why is it that you want me to see this so-called special spot so much?"

Sapnap shook his head. "It's a secret, Dreamboy. I can't tell you, otherwise, it won't be special."


Dream opened his eyes quickly, swooping his head around to see him sitting back in the grass with Sapnap. He turned to look at Tommy waving at him from the house. Dream sighed, annoyed that Tommy pulled him out of the memory, but still caring for the boy. He took a deep breath and shouted back.


Dream turned back to Sapnap patiently waiting for his attention, hearing a groan in the distance from Tommy. 

Dream rolled his eyes and looked back to Sapnap. "Okay. That was a start."

Sapnap nodded. "Soccer field?"

Dream cocked his head to the side, confused about how Sapnap knew the memory. "Were you there with me?" Dream asked.

Sapnap nodded again. "Bleachers."

Dream raised his eyebrows, understanding what Sapnap meant. He must have been on the bleachers, where Dream didn't look. 

"Day I was hurt."

Dream snapped out of zoning out and stared at Sapnap. "What?"

"The day I was hurt. You did not come to forest with me," Sapnap calmly replied.

Dream put the pieces together in his head, suddenly recovering a new memory. He didn't come with Sapnap to the forest; he couldn't make it because he was touring a university. 

" got taken? They made you...this? When I left you?" Dream felt the back of his eyes sting with tears.

Sapnap looked down at his hands and created a small flame. "Yes."

Dream felt his heart drop, realizing how bad of a friend he was for abandoning Sapnap on that very day. The day he was taken and used as a lab rat. 

Dream held Sapnap's hands, Sapnap immediately putting out the flame so Dream wouldn't get burned.

"Sapnap...I'm so sorry." Dream pushed back his tears as Sapnap looked up at him.

" Don't say sorry. You are always be my best friend," Sapnap replied.

Dream smiled and chuckled as a tear rolled down his cheek. "I promise we'll both remember everything, soon."


"Favorite color?" 

"Red. I also like yellow, too."

Skeppy scoffed. "You really are similar to Bad."

Halo shrugged and smirked. "Who says I'm not both?"

"Me." Skeppy stood up and grabbed a cup to get water.

Halo stepped in and blocked the sink. "I don't like that attitude. I'm trying to communicate with you."

Skeppy rolled his eyes. "Communicate with me? Really?"

Halo sighed, clearly tired of fighting with Skeppy. "I am. I'm not completely evil, you know. Bad is a part of me, and I'm a part of Bad. I can hear him in my head, I can tell he truly loves you."

Skeppy felt his heart sink at the mention of Bad. "I miss Bad. Not you.'re just..."

"I remind you of Bad, don't I?" 

Silence filled the kitchen. Skeppy froze, feeling his heartbeat pounding in his head. He tightened his grip on the glass; his eyes watered with sad tears.

"I need to learn to love you like I love Bad, Halo." Skeppy pushed himself to look at Halo in his blank, empty eyes. "And that's gonna take a lot of time and patience for me."


thank you so much I love you all and thank you for adding my story to your lists and voting for my chapters and everything :D so happy - Dove <3

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