Subject Log #20: Betrayal

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Dream cautiously approached the desk, tracing the carvings until he saw the familiar secret button.

He held his breath and pushed it down, watching the secret door slide open. He made his way through the small hallway into the next room.

Dream looked around his surroundings, checking for anything abnormal. He stepped forwards and stopped, hearing a click beneath his feet. He panicked as he saw a wall open, revealing a secret wall, with three vertical long glass cells.

Dream stepped forwards and gasped. He covered his mouth and widened his eyes in shock. "Oh my god."

Dream rushed up to the tubes and pounded on the glass. "GEORGE! TUBBO! RANBOO! NO!"

He felt his heartbeat quicken as he looked at each one of their emotionless faces, their bodies tied to the wall and tubes pumping blood from their arms.

Dream cursed and gripped his hair in desperation, trying to figure out a way to free them. He stopped and looked around, grabbing a chair and hitting Tubbo's cell repeatedly.

The glass broke and crashed to the ground, and Dream lifted Tubbo out of the cell and ripped the tube out of his arm. Dream gently shook him. "Tubbo, wake up. Please Tubbo."

Tubbo opened his eyes abruptly and gasped. "What- Dream? Where am I? Where-"

"We don't have time. We need to leave this place now- help me break George's and Ranboo's cells." Dream snapped a leg off of the old wooden chair and handed it to Tubbo.

The two broke George's cell and Dream laid him carefully on the ground, while Tubbo broke Ranboo's cell.

George slowly stirred awake, and Tubbo slapped Ranboo, harshly waking him up.

"AH!" Ranboo flung open his eyes and sat up. He looked around. "⍙⊑⟒⍀⟒ ⏃⍀⟒ ⍙⟒?"

"What?" Tubbo confusedly looked at Ranboo.

"☊⏃⋏ ⟟ ⏁⍀⎍⌇⏁ ⊬⍜⎍?" Ranboo spoke again.

"What's he saying?" Tubbo looked at Dream. Dream lifted George. "Doesn't matter we need to go!" Dream pushed Tubbo, Ranboo, and George towards the hallway.

"You're not leaving just yet, Dream."

Dream turned around and widened his eyes as he saw Niki holding a knife to Tommy's throat.

Tommy pulled at Niki's arm. "" Tommy squirmed and struggled in Niki's arms.

"TOMMY! NO!" Tubbo lunged forward and Dream pushed him back. "NO!"

Niki pushed the knife closer to Tommy's throat. "Give the subjects to me, Dream."

Dream stared in shock. "Niki what are you doing?!"

"I'm doing the right thing, Dream."

"What? Niki let Tommy go!" Dream pushed Tubbo back and motioned for him to stay there. He stepped toward Niki.

"Nuh-uh! Not. A step. Closer. Or else the boy gets hurt." Niki pushed the blade deeper into Tommy's skin. Tommy winced and cried, pleading for Dream to help him.

Dream held up his hands. "I won't come any further. Just let him go, Niki."

Tears streamed down Niki's face as she grit her teeth. "YOU DON'T GET IT, DREAM."

"Don't get what?! I- I trusted you, Niki! You helped me!"

Niki shook her head. "I was never your friend, Dream. I was using you."


Niki laughed. "Did you really think that those sunglasses I gave you helped your headaches? They increased them, Dream. And I made sure you always had them on."

"What!?" Dream stepped back.

"And did you really believe that I didn't know you were allergic to soy sauce? I knew ever since you came here, Dream. I knew everything about you before you even met me. I told you to rest for a week so I could easily take the subjects while you were gone. I took your memory away so you could be clueless and vulnerable."

"You took my memory? You- you used me?"

"YES, DREAM. I USED YOU." Niki shouted. Tommy cried, desperately gripping at his neck.

"But why, Niki? Why are you doing this? This is clearly hurting you and-"


Dream stood back in shock, trying to figure out what to do. "Niki, please. I can help you, we can hide-"

"I'M SICK OF HIDING. I'M SICK OF ALL OF THIS!" Niki pulled the blade away from Tommy and stabbed it into his arm. Tommy let out a shrill scream as blood trickled down his arm. 

Tubbo pushed past Dream and saw Tommy bleeding. He let out an angry shout as he raised his arms and shot out vines of thorns at Niki. The vines wrapped around her neck and Tubbo lifted her, choking her slowly. She gripped at her neck and coughed.

"TUBBO! NO!" Dream struggled to pull Tubbo away. 

"DON'T EVER HURT MY TOMMY!" Tubbo shouted at Niki and squeezed her throat tighter.

George and Ranboo watched in horror as the once known wholesome flower boy choked Niki with thorns. 

"STOP IT TUBBO! SNAP OUT OF IT!" Dream pulled Tubbo down, and he released his vines, slowly letting Niki down. 

Niki gasped for air on the ground as Dream rushed towards Tommy. He lifted him and threw him over his shoulder, motioning Tubbo and George and Ranboo out of the room. Dream rushed out of the office along with the others and went towards the subject room, setting Tommy down to dash inside. 

He opened Sapnap's cell and took his hand. "We need to go Sapnap." 

Sapnap nodded and followed Dream out of the cell and into the hallway. Dream picked up Tommy again and rushed towards the front door of the building. 


Dream looked back at Wilbur running and waving at him, along with Eret, Skeppy, Fundy, and Bad. And was that...Technoblade?

"What?" Dream watched the five approach him. Wilbur gasped out of breath and leaned on his knees. "We're coming with you."

"What? No, you can't."

"How are you planning to run away, Dream? It's not like we have a car that can fit 11 people. We need to shadow travel," Eret explained.

Dream looked up as the alarms went off. Red lights filled the hallways and sirens wailed. Dream turned back to Eret and nodded rapidly. "Let's go."

Eret nodded and grabbed Dream's and Wilbur's hands. "Everybody hold each other's hands."

The group joined hands in a circle. 

"But where are we going-"

"Doesn't matter," Eret cut Sapnap off. "Anywhere that's far, far away from here."

Eret pulled the group into the darkness. 


I told you it was gonna get intense 


and I'll let you guys recover from what just happened

love you - Dove <3

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