Journal Entry #4: Hope

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No one ever bothered to interrupt George's life. It was quiet, smooth, and normal. That was until one day, on a simple Saturday of George's shift at the optometry, just after finishing a patient's glasses fitting, it all got complicated.

"George! Want to head out for lunch?" Karl ran up to George taking out the trash behind the optometry.

George tossed the lightweight bag into the dumpster and turned to face Karl, smiling at his co-worker's enthusiasm. "Actually, I was just thinking about asking you. Give me a minute to soak in the outdoors."

Karl nodded and skipped back to the building. "I'm gonna finish up a prescription for a patient and I'll wait for you!"

George nodded and turned to walk towards a lot of grass behind the optometry. He sat down and shuffled around to get comfortable. As he started closing his eyes, a crunch of leaves was heard behind him.

George turned around to look up at a man, dressed in black slacks and a navy jacket, along with a blue beanie. He sat down next to George and smiled.

"Hi, I'm Quackity. I see you like my meditation spot too." Quackity quickly swept his raven-black hair out of his eyes and offered his hand to shake.

George hesitantly shook Quackity's hand, still confused about how suddenly he showed up.

"Yea, I didn't know it was your spot. I just sit in this lot of grass whenever I want to clear my mind," George replied.

"What do you need to clear your mind off of?"

George sighed and looked at the birds in the trees. "I got into a huge fight with my boyfriend."

"Ouch. Hope that works out." 

The two quieted down and sat in awkward silence together. 

Quackity shrugged off the subject and looked at the back of the optometrist building. "You work there?"

George nodded.

"Oh, cool. Hey, here's a question. If you were to have one superpower, what would it be?" Quackity asked.

George frowned at the randomness of the query. He scoffed and thought for a moment. "Uh, I don't know. I guess, flight?"

Quackity laughed at George's answer. "Flight? Really? That's like, the most basic thing you could choose."

"That's the reason I chose it," George replied bluntly.

"Hm. Okay, well, if you were to REALLY think about it George, what superpower would you actually desire?"

George turned away and focused on a dandelion whilst thinking. "If I were to put some thought into it, uh, maybe...invisibility? I guess that's kind of cool."

Quackity hummed in interest. "Tell you what, George. How about we meet here at the same time tomorrow and we'll get to know each other more?"

George fixed his gaze on Quackity and observed him and his features intensely. "Okay. Hey, how did you know my nam-"

"Great! You know George, it was nice to meet you. Talk to ya later!" Quackity helped himself off the ground and made his way across the street, walking to whatever destination he needed to go to.

George scoffed at the strangeness of the situation that just occurred, and the possible friend he might have just made...

"George! Ready?" Karl poked his head out of the door and looked at George.

George slowly got up and made his way to Karl. "Yeah," George stepped inside and walked beside Karl, "Hey have you met anyone named Quackity?"


"George! Hello? Wake up!" Tubbo rapidly tapped George on the shoulder, a leaf from the boy's hand scratching at George's eye.

George opened his eyes, waved Tubbo away, and sat up, a little bit dazed about his surroundings. He rubbed his eyes, in an attempt to rub away the weird dream he just had.


George heard a quiet knock at his door and looked up at it slightly opening, revealing a peaking face.

Dream quickly closed the door and hid. "Uh, George, can I come in?" He muffled from the other side of the door.

George smiled and hopped off the bed, quickly jumping to the door to open it. He nodded at Dream as he met his green eyes.

Dream smiled. "Okay, so I was kind of hoping we could start getting to know each other more. Because you know...the memories?"

George nodded, able to understand Dream but still unable to form good speech.

Dream and George made their way into the living room and sat down on the blue velvet couch.

"Okay, so, how were we related before? Do you have any memories you know?" Dream asked George.

George shrugged.

Dream sighed and tapped his foot in hopes to find a memory. "Wait, Sapnap showed me one of my old memories. You were in it."

George looked at Dream with a quizzical face.

Dream nodded at George's reaction. "We were both on a hill together watching a sunset. Something about you being able to only see browns and yellows?"

George raised his eyebrows and rapidly nodded, pointing to his eyes. "Yes!"

Dream cocked his head in confusion. "What?"

"Color!" George continued to point to his eyes.

"Wait...oh you're colorblind!" Dream finally understood what George meant.

George nodded happily and smiled. Dream sighed. "Okay, so that's one thing I know about you. What else?"

Dream and George talked for hours, not paying attention to the time or people passing by, playing games, and learning more and more about each other, as well as discovering how well they clicked together.

Dream walked to George's room and stopped at the door.

"I think that went really well. If we keep talking every day maybe one day, it will all click for us," Dream said.

George nodded and smiled at Dream. Dream couldn't help but smile back at the brunette's happiness.

George stepped into his room and turned to close the door. "Goodnight Dream."

Dream nodded. "Goodnight George."

George closed the door. Dream turned and sat back down in the living room, taking a deep breath and releasing. And for the first time in a while, things felt like they were getting better.

HEY GUYS! Sorry that I haven't updated in a while, my summer's been super busy as of late. 

BUT, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 900 READS! HOLY COW! NOW THAT'S A LOT OF READS! (*Flextape commercial replays in my mind*)

ANYWAYS, I am honestly super duper happy that all of you are enjoying this book. I am too! 

Thank you so much for all the support :D love you all - Dove <3

Helium - A Dreamnotfound FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz