Part Thirty

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It had been a couple of days, I was finally allowed out of hospital and the first place I went was the bank with the key I grabbed from Sharon.

I handed it over to the clerk who took me through a security door and down some steps. Into another secure door, closing it behind us and into a room floor to ceiling of metal drawers.

She went over to number 552, placing a key in one lock, and passing me the other to put in the other. We turned at the same time and the drawer came out.

She placed it in a metal table in the middle of the room, taking her key back into her pocket. "I will be right outside the door. The door will be locked from the inside so only you can open the door. There is a camera there" she pointed to one corner of the room pointing to the table, "just to make sure nothing illegal is going on. Or anything dodgy. It can and will be handed over to the authorities if we are asked for it or feel the need to hand it over. Other then that, just place the drawer back in once you are finished and it will automatically lock." She smiled and walked out the door, closing that one behind her.

I looked at the small metal drawer in front of me on the table. I took in a deep breath and took the lid off

Inside were so many pieces of paper, it looked like they all had just been thrown in without any thought.

I picked up the top one, an envelope with my name scratched across it in grandpa handwriting. I smiled and lifted it to my face, smelling the tin but also that musky vanilla scent that always came with the birthday cards.

I smiled widely and tore open the envelope pulling out the off-white piece of lined paper:

My dearest Mallory.

If you have this then I have passed on. I lived an amazing life, more years then I should have. And my one regret is not keeping you close.
I wanted you to stay with me forever, but your father believed it was safest for you to be far away from everything going on.

I'm hoping you have found Sam and Bucky now, along with Sharon. I hope the two of you cling on to each other and help each other every way that you can.

Everything is so confusing and I wish I had all the answers, but I don't. All I know is they didn't fully understand this serum when they injected me. I believed it would end with me, but it didn't. Your father had it, so did your half brother. That is why they were killed.

I hope you're not finding out this way, but your mother was a witch. A mighty fine witch too. Someone was after her too - a woman named Agatha she said. She was worried you'd get caught in it. That is why she left you with us. Hoping we would protect you. But we didn't know how, other than sending you as far away as possible.
I hope you've unlocked your powers and are a brilliant witch just like your mother.

In this box I have so many things for you. I have left everything to you; house, car, money, everything.
I hope it makes up for all those years I wasn't there.

I told you to find Sam and Bucky because, well, I knew they would look after you like I couldn't. I knew they would protect you above everything else.

Sam would make sure you were doing what was right and be that voice of reason whenever you needed it. But, he would also be in your side no matter what you chose to do, even if he thought you were crazy.

You grew into a beautiful, strong woman and I may have played matchmaker a little bit. How do you feel about Bucky? He needs someone to love him for who he is, flaws and all. He believes he's not worthy of love and I want to prove him wrong. And every time I mentioned him in our video chats, your eyes glowed. They would sparkle at even a small mention of him.
I knew you needed to meet him properly. You both needed that chance.

I am sorry for how life turned out. I am sorry for keeping you in the dark about your life. I hope I didn't screw you up too much.

Just know that we love you. We will see you soon.


I looked up from the letter, not noticing I had slipped on to the floor as I read. Tears filling my eyes but not falling until I blinked. A drop fell onto the paper and I wiped it away quickly, not wanting the ink to run. I wanted to keep this letter forever.

I stood back up and flicked through the rest of the papers. I found the deeds to a house in Brooklyn, two cars in storage and codes for bank accounts.

I also found a picture of my parents. My father was sat in an armchair I recognised from grandpas family room, my mother was stood behind it with her arms wrapped around my fathers shoulders, both beaming at the camera. And in my fathers arms was a bundle of blankets. Peaking out was a little face and a tiny hand. It was me. They both looked so happy. I guess I'll never know exactly what happened... and that was OK. I always thought I was born by accident and not wanted. But seeing this picture, I was made out of love.


A few days later, I was busy dusting some more pictures sat in the sideboard of my new home. I had to take so many down to clear the place a little, putting them into photo albums, but I kept a few out so I didn't forget them. Like I could.

There was a soft knock on the front door making me put down the duster, turning the music down slightly and opening the door.

Bucky stood there with his hands in his pockets. A cut on his lip had slightly healed but there was a deep gash in his head with stitches holding it together. He had a bruised jaw, cheekbone and a black eye. All because of me.

"Hi." I smiled at him

"Hi." He repeated back to me, looking round the porch and everywhere else except at me.

"Wanna come in?" I stepped aside and he nodded coming in to the hallway.

"So this is the house?" He questioned, looking round the hall and up the stairs to the balcony overlooking the hall.

"This is the house." I laughed lightly.

"It's a good job he left you one seeing as the other one blew up." He still hadn't looked at me and it left me feeling uncomfortable.

"You're acting weird. What's wrong?" I sighed, taking his arm. He finally looked down to my hand and followed my arm up and landed on my eyes.

I motioned him to the drawing room and we both sat on the couch next to each other.

" are you?" Bucky stuttered, leaning on his elbows in his knees.

"I'm good." I smiled, "now what's really going on?"

Bucky sighed and turned to look at me, his brow furrowed. He opened his mouth as if he was going to say something but then stopped himself. "I just ...." he swallowed hard and cleared his throat, "I just wondered where we stood now?"

"What do you mean?"

"Now all thats over..." he started but I smiled and held my hand up to stop him speaking.

"You thought I'd disappear too?"

"I don't... I don't know" he stuttered

I brought him in for a hug, wrapping my arms around his neck and holding him close. His body relaxed underneath me and he wrapped his arms around me waist, pulling me onto his lap. I giggled and moved back, looking into his eyes. "I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me now."

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