Part One

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AN: hi all :) I feel I need to explain a little bit before you do read as some are confused:

I originally made this for TikTok using TFATWS footage, so it's an alternative I guess to what we saw on TFATWS.

I wanted to write it out here because I felt like I could expand on the story a little bit. Add bits I couldn't on the TikTok version.

I hope you enjoy x


My life had hit a speed bump, and I wasn't sure how to get over it safely. Luckily for me, my grandpa told me to find someone to help.

Driving down a bumpy road towards the docks, boats lined up and people were sorting and selling various seafood from the wooden deck.

I parked up and walked down the dock to find who I needed. "Excuse me? I'm looking for Sam Wilson?" I asked the person at the first stand.

He pointed to a woman bringing some boxes off a boat. I thanked him and smiled before walking over to the woman, "hi."

She turned to look at me and frowned, looking me up and down, "how can I help?"

"I'm looking for Sam? Sam Wilson?" I questioned as she piled up boxes.

"He owe you money?" she stopped, leaning on the pile, still giving me a questionable look.

I smiled, "No. No, not at all."

"Good. Cuz he don't have any." she went back to the boxes, turning her back on me.

I took in a deep breath and walked a bit closer to her, completely fed up with this back and forth and just wanting answers. "If you know how I could find him -"

"He should be here soon to help out." she cut me off and looked me up and down again.

"Thank you." I nodded and looked around the deck again, feeling a little awkward just standing there. "Do you want some help?"

"You ever worked with fish before?" I shook my head, "then I'm good."

I heard a car pull up behind us. I turned and recognised him instantly from the photos grandpa would show me. I felt like I already knew Sam Wilson.

"Hey sis." He smiled as he walked up to the girl I had been talking to.

"This girl's here for you." She pointed to me and I smiled, giving a little wave.

Sam walked over with this confidence about him, something powerful about him with how he walked. It suited him. Reminded me of grandpa. "What's up?"

"Can we talk in private?" I said a little quieter than I had been talking.

He looked me up and down, folding his arms across his chest. "Can I ask your name?"


"OK, Mallory, we can talk here."

I stood my ground, "I'd rather do it in private."

"What's it about? Then I'll tell you whether we're staying here."


He sighed and relaxed a little,"Listen, if this is about that shield -" he was obviously fed up of people asking him about the shield.

"It's not." I sighed and looked round, no one seemed to be listening but I wasn't too sure... "My name is Mallory Rogers. Steve Rogers was my grandfather."

Sam grabbed my arm and pulled me to his car. He opened the door letting me in before he went round to the drivers side and got in himself. "What the hell do you want?"

"I need your help."

"Who are you really?"

"Mallory Rogers. My fathers name was Michael Steve Rogers. My grandparents were Steve and Margaret Rogers." I tried to explain, but Sams face... he didn't believe me.

"Look, I'm sure you've rehearsed this speech, but I am not in the mood to play games."

"You met my grandfather on your morning run. You told him about Marvin Gaye." I said quickly, grasping at anything to make him believe me. Sams face dropped when I mentioned Marvin Gaye, "He really enjoyed it. Even made me listen to it. You also helped him track down Bucky." Sam looked you in the eyes. "I need you to help me find him too."


"My grandpa told me if I ever felt like my life was in danger, that I needed to find the two of you."

"Why would your life be in danger?"

I swallowed hard and looked out to the water. To be able to just lie on a boat and float away would be amazing. Away from my problems.... away from my life....

"They're killing everyone" you said under your breath. "I'm the last one."

"Last what?"

"Last Rogers. It'll all end with me once they catch up."


I shrugged and shook my head, "I don't know. But someone is. And I'm scared." you turned to look at Sam. "I need your help. I need Buckys help too."

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