Part Twenty-Four

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The next morning, I woke up cuddled into Bucky on the couch. I turned and looked up to his face, "Morning." I said sleepily.

"Morning" Bucky smiled back, kissing the top of my head

"Morning." Sam smirked over at the breakfast bar.

We both shot our head over to him, "How long have you been there for?" I asked.

"Long enough." He smirked taking a sip of coffee, "You didn't do things on my couch, did you?" He frowned, pointing to the two of us.

"I guess you'll never know." I smiled, shifting slightly and getting closer to Bucky underneath me. He wrapped his arms around me tighter, not wanting to let me go.

"What's the plan for today then?" Sam asked

"I actually better go home. Pack my things and house hunt."

"You're not going to stay there?" Bucky asked, looking down to me lying on his chest.

"No way. I don't want Sharon's help."

"My schedule's wide open. I guess I could come help you pack." Bucky smiled, scrunching his face up a little more.

He looked so cute when he did that. So cute and innocent. Everything else faded away when he looked into my eyes. I had to shake my head at times to remind myself that there was more pressing matters on our plate....

"I'd like that." I smiled back.

"Well, enjoy. I will be here...alone" Sam sighed and took another sip of coffee.

"You are more than welcome to come along Sam." I smiled over to him, sitting up at the end of the sofa, across Buckys legs.

"Nah," he shook his head with a slight chuckle, "I have a shield to bond with." Sam smiled looking between the two of us.

Sam's eyes looked at Bucky but he wasn't looking at Sam. He follows his eye line to Mallory as she stretched and yawned. Sam looked back to Bucky, who was smiling up to her. Sam shook his head, entertained by the 106 year old super soldier who was unable to tell a girl he loved her....

I jumped in the drivers seat with Bucky sat next to me, and drove home. It was a long drive but nothing I wasn't used to.

Music blaring as the warm sun heated up the car. The music stopped and my Bluetooth connected to the call coming through.

I pressed a button and answered it, "hello?"

"Hi Mallory. I'm at yours, where are you?" Sharon's voice came through the cars stereo speakers.

"Why are you here?" I asked, trying to focus on the road ahead rather than the thoughts flowing through my head.

"I came to apologise." Sharon sighed.

"Apologise? Right." I laughed.

"I have. I'm sorry I told Nagel. I just..." she sighed... "I just thought maybe he'd be able to help."

I grilled onto the steering wheel harder, not noticing the car slowing down as I siphoned out the power from the engine.

Bucky grapes my arm and shook me gently, breaking me out of my daze. I shook my head and quickly looked over to him. "You good?" He mouthed.

I looked down at the speedometer and saw it was right down. I took a few breaths and the speed climbed again to the limit. I smiled and nodded over to him. Bucky removed his hand from my arm and placed it on my thigh, rubbing his thumb along my skin free from the skirt I had put on. It sent shockwaves up my leg and to my heart every time he did.

I regained my composure, "whatever Sharon. Make yourself at home. I'll be back soon."

I hung up and the music restarted.

"You didn't tell her I was coming too?" Bucky questioned.

"Nah. Be a nice surprise." I smiled, knowing she wouldn't try anything with Bucky there... he trusted her, remember?

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