Part Thirteen

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I couldn't believe it. I knew nothing of my mother and here's Sharon with all the information!? She couldn't have shared that I was a witch!? Or grandpa! He couldn't have said something!?

I was so angry as I slammed open the doors to Sharons. Sam and James were close behind, trying to calm me down.

"You told him!? Why?" I screamed as I entered the living area. Sharon was sat on the couch reading a magazine.

"What are you on about?" She sighed and put the magazine down.

"Nagel. You told him about me. About my mum!?" I continued to scream. James paced his hand on my arm, trying to pull me away, but I just shrugged him off.

"I didn't tell him anything." Sharon got up and walked towards me.

"So he's lying?" I shook my head in utter disbelief at how calm she was.

"Of course he's lying."

Sam stood between us, stopping Sharon getting too close to me. I wasn't sure what I was going to do if she got any closer, but it was a sweet gesture from Sam.

"That's why you got me the house." It suddenly all clicked into place. Like a light switch had just been turned on in my head, "So you knew where I was at all times. So you could keep track of me."

"Mallory stop being ridiculous."

"I can't believe you. I honestly thought that maybe, just maybe, we could repair something." I stormed over to the bedroom that James and I had shared the night before and grabbed my bag, shoving the dress and shoes of Sharon's in there too. Like I did, keeping those.

I zipped the bag up and stormed back int he living area, throwing the bag over my shoulder. "It's like grandpa knew. That's why he sent me to Sam and Bucky, not you." I shouted in her smug little face.

I walked over to James and Sam by the door. "Can we go?" I looked up into James' eyes, holding my ask the tears. "Please."

"Of course." James smiled and took my hand.

We travelled back in silence. I wasn't sure what to say to them and I could tell they didn't know what to say either; both boys opened their mouths as if they were going to say something but then stutter before closing again and sitting back in their chair.

I always felt alone in the world; a father that never wanted to see me, who married someone other than my mum, a mum that left me with my grandparents with not a word, those grandparents taking me to another country to live... Sharon was one connection I had to that life that could have been. And she ruined it by not telling me when grandpas funeral was and getting me over. I wanted to say goodbye properly. I never got the chance.

Back home, I went straight to my room and lay alone on the bed. Not only was a super soldier, apparently, but also a witch. I wasn't strong. I wasn't fast. I didn't do anything witch-y.  They must be wrong. But what if they're right? No. No, they're wrong.

The door slowly opened and James stuck his head round the corner, "You OK?" He asked with a small smile.

I sighed and sat up, "I don't know."

"Fair response." James stepped in and closed the door behind him, leaning back on it and sticking his hands in his jeans pockets. "Anything I can do?"

"Lie with me?" I smirked and tapped the bed next to me.

James smiled and walked over. He climbed on the bed and lay down next to me. "Now, this looks familiar."

"When I came to find you guys, I didn't think we would be here." I smiled looking at every inch of James' face. He was such a beautiful man, inside and out.

I had seen photographs of him before but I never really thought about him as anyone other than grandpas best friend. And then I met him. He was so soft and kind. His voice calm. His eyes shined whenever he looked at me... I think that's what caught my feelings first.

"I didn't think I'd meet anyone from Steve's family. I didn't think there would be anyone, truthfully." James smiled, leaning on his hand propped up by his elbow.

I scooted closer to him, laying my arm over his waist and cuddling into him. "I'm glad I came to find you. I don't feel ... as lost."

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