Part Nineteen

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Bucky got out of bed before me, throwing some jeans in my direction as I lay in bed watching him dress. His muscles flexing as he threw a black Tee over his head and down, obscuring his muscular chest from view.

I pouted as he turned in my direction. Seeing my reaction, he smiled and leaned over, "I've gotta get dressed. Sam doesn't want to us see naked." He pressed a soft kiss to my lips, "well, maybe he'd like to see you." He winked and stood back up.

I picked up the pillow and threw it at him as he walked to the door. "I will go out there in nothing."

"Oh, I'm sure you would." Bucky laughed.

I got up and threw my clothes on quickly and followed him out the door. He was a few steps ahead when we entered the kitchen.

"Have you guys made up?" Sam asked from the table, looking at the laptop still.

"You need to get your own girl to occupy your time." Bucky poured us both coffee and Sam stood up, walking over to the two of us, "You spend a lot of time in our business."

"Bucky!" I snapped just as Sam was about to say something.

We were interrupted by the front doors bursting open. John and Lemar came striding in.

"Alright, I'm not asking now." John sighed and stood in front of us.

"You trying to get your ass kicked again, Walker?" Sam sighed, standing straight and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Are you going to stop me, Sam?" John smirk made my skin crawl.

I stood with bucky placing a hand over the electrical socket nearest to me,feeling a surge of energy flow through my body as I siphoned the power throughout the house.

"Shall I put the shield down? Make it fair?" Johns cocky voice echoed in my head as I tried to breath through the burning sensation running through my veins.

I lifted my hand up and walked over to John, "You seem to have forgotten I kicked your ass and that shield."

"You took me by surprise." John huffed

"Then bring it on, Walker."

I shot electric balls at him, causing him to fall over. Lemar tried to help, but I shot one at him and he flew back, hitting his head on a low beam, causing him to pass out. I used the energy to pick up a knife from the kitchen side and throw it at John. He reacted quickly, picking up the shield and holding it infront of him making the knife hit that instead.

"I think we should stop this." Sam said to Bucky to the side of the action

"Why? She's doing great." Bucky smiled, leaning against the wall behind him and watching the fight unfold.

"Exactly, she'll kill him." Sam tried to reason with him, but Bucky didn't care. Mallory was using her powers, working out how to use them best, and John was getting his ass kicked. He saw nothing wrong with the fight.

"You're doing great, doll!" Bucky shouted over.

I smiled at the nickname, one I wanted to stick. I could feel I didn't have a lot of energy left, so I took a deep breath in and forced it all out. John was shoved backwards, dropping the shield and sliding away from it.

I was tired, but I wasn't going to show it. I walked up to the shield and picked it up, putting it on the same arm as my grandpa. It was lighter than I thought it would be.

"Thanks Walker." I smiled down at him over the shield. "Now, get out my house." I turned and walked away from him, "oh, and I'm keeping the shield."

Rogers Legacy - Bucky Barnes Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang