And that's where she went first.

Walking to the grey button, and pressed it once.

The fuzz of a microphone came through a speaker. Accompanied by a monotone voice, like they were bored of their job.
"Hello. How may I help you?"

The voice spoke. It seemed familiar to someone in her timeline; she just couldn't pinpoint to a face.

"I would like to see Dream, please?" She asked back, hearing the stutter in the guards' voice and uncertainty.

"Alright. Go through the portal, wait about 2 minutes and go through the next."

Y/N followed the rules, walking into the purple abyss that clouded her vision with swirls. Landing in a white and black room. Waiting the amount of time and going back through the sickening void. It felt like the sickness time travel brought people, but it's in the same world.

This time, being in a large room. Someone was standing behind a desk, Awsamdude to be certain. The guard that used to help her. He seemed to look at her with confusion.

Y/N smiled subconsciously.

"Hello. Welcome to the prison. I am the Head guard, Sam. And you are?" His voice is sceptical. He seemed more chatty in this realm.

"Um. Y/N L/N." She spoke after walking to the counter with a book on a pedestal in front of her. Looking at the page before looking back at the person behind the counter.

"Great. So, you want to see Dream. Correct?" He continued, Y/N nodded. "I just have to make you answer some questions that you must answer truthfully. Is that alright?"

She nodded again. "Um. When is the last time you visited the prison?"

"Never. This is my first time."

"Where is your place of residence currently located?"

She was living in Manberg. Which wasn't even in this era. So. Would she just say Kinoko? Because she is mostly there and slept on multiple occasions there.

"Hello?" He grew impatient, tapping his pen on the desk in a made up tune.

"Right. Uh sorry. I'm new around here and forgot the name. Kinoko Kingdom."

He glanced at her above the book he held in his hands, writing down her answer like he did the others before continuing.

"Do you believe that the prisoner is deserving of being locked up?"

"...Of course." She spoke up on what Karl told her about this Dream. But with some subconscious uncertainty.

"You do?" He asked again,


"Okay. Prior relations with the prisoner?"

"I have never met him before." She lied, looking to the side slightly. Is it really a lie though? She hadn't met him, not the villain he supposably is.

Sam hummed, copying her answer into his book before his eyes scanned the next question

"Are you willing to submit to any and all physical examinations while in the prison slash on the prison grounds?"

Y/N nodded yet again, turning back to face him before saying a meek "Yes."

He hummed once more, the pen moving on the page and clearing his throat to fill the silence. "Do you acknowledge you may not bring any items with you into the prison?"

"Yes." Y/N replied truthfully.

"Okay. Do you recognize that I, Awsamdude, am the ultimate authority on the grounds of the prison and anything I say goes?"

The Time Travelling Life | Dreamwastaken x Reader | Royalty AUWhere stories live. Discover now