Rain Storm

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"Dr. Rose In coming trauma!" Maggie shouted over the noisy emergency department.

"Thanks Maggie!" Dr. Rose ran over to the ED doors waiting for the ambulance to arrive. As soon as she saw them pull up she ran outside into the pouring rain.

A short hair blond girl had jumped out of the drivers seat and ran to the back to open the doors.

"What we got?"

"25 year old female. Roll over accident. Has been unresponsive since we arrived on scene." They rushed the girl inside. Dr. Rose had a feeling she was already gone but she still had to try.

"Maggie where am I going?" Dr. Rose looked to the head nurse for direction.


They quickly rolled the girl into the room. "On my count! 1...2...3" They then lifted the girl off of the stretcher and onto the hospital gurney.  Dr. Rose began to make her assessment. It was as she feared. Both pupils were blown. The girl was more than likely brain dead.

The team got her cleaned up and got her on a vent. Dr. Rose left the trauma room and went to the center desks. "Did she make it?" Maggie looked through the glass to see the very young girl who still had so much life to live.

"No. She was gone before she was even freed from her car." Dr. Rose was making her chart notes. She hadn't realized the paramedics that brought her in were still there.

"I'll track down next of kin."

"Thanks Maggie." Maggie walked away and Dr. Rose was looking down at the girls chart.

The paramedics had moved closer but didn't seem to catch the attention of the Doctor. "Excuse me Dr. Rose?"

Dr. Rose looked up to see the paramedics from earlier. "Yes?"

"Is that girl really gone?"

"I'm afraid so. She was gone before you guys got her free from the car." Dr. Rose closed the girls chart and put it with the others. "You did everything you could."

The paramedics nodded and turned to leave. Dr. Rose noticed their names on their jackets. Brett and Dawson.  Dr. Rose was then pulled in for another trauma.


Ambulance 61 pulled back onto the apparatus floor of firehouse 51. Both girls jumped out and started walking towards the squad table. They both looked defeated.

"What's wrong?"

"The girl from the car accident didn't make it. Doc said she was dead before we even got to her." The girls headed inside to get some food.

The guys at the squad table fell into a silence. They had thought for sure they had gotten her out in time. Their lieutenant threw his cards down and head towards his office. They have lost so many victims lately that the job was beginning to feel like it was worthless.

The lieutenant had just laid down on his bed when the bells rang out again. He groaned but got up and ran out to the trucks. They all sped off towards the next accident.

Once they arrived they saw it was a head on collision. The teams got to work.

"Squad we are going to need the jaws." Dawson spoke into her radio as the rain was beating down on them.

"On our way." A few seconds later they arrived with the jaws and helped open the door. Once the door was open the paramedics got to work.

Off in the distance they could hear another car going way to fast. They were just hoping it wasn't coming their way.

Dawson looked up to see headlights  racing towards them. "Casey!!" But it was to late the car had hit Captain Casey sending him over the roof of the car.

Dawson ran over towards him and bent down. "Casey can you hear me?" Dawson was looking for a pulse. The silence that fell over everyone while she did this was almost deafening. "I got a pulse!"

The teams jumped into action and got their Captain loaded into the ambulance. They then headed towards med. The rest had held back to finish up at the scene.

Dawson and Brett pulled up to med and were greeted again by Dr. Rose. "What we got?"

"30 year old male. Hit by a car. He's had a pulse the whole time. He's one of ours. He's my husband." Dawson was trying to hold it together.

Dr. Rose got a look at the patient. "Matt??" Dawson and Brett both looked at the doctor confused. How did she know him? But there was no time for questions. Not with Matt's life possibly hanging in the balance.

They rushed him into the ED and Dr. Rose began her assessment. Dawson and Brett had been escorted out to the waiting room. The girls both took a seat and waited.

Eventually the rest of firehouse 51 joined them. They were all sitting in silence soaked to the bone. But no one cared. They just needed their Captain to be okay.

The doors to the ED came open and out walked Dr. Rose. The girls recognized her and jumped up and practically ran over towards her. "How's Casey?"

"He's stable. And I do believe he will make a full recovery. He has a few scratches and bruises. He also cracked a couple ribs. But all those things will heal in time." Dawson wrapped her arms around the doctor thanking her for saving Matt.

The rest of the group came up to thank her as well. The next firefighter who was about to say thank you was the lieutenant for squad 3.

Dr. Rose looked to see the piercing blue eyes of the firefighter. These eyes she knew. She knew today would possibly happen. "Kelly."

Firehouse 51 looked at the doctor than at Kelly waiting for one of them to say something else. Instead Kelly turned around and headed back out to squad 3.

Dr. Rose felt her heartbreak a little bit. She knew he was going to be mad. She knew their reunion wasn't going to be happy. But she hadn't prepared herself for what had just happened.

Dr. Rose excused herself and went back into the ED not wanting to get into her past at that moment. She retreated to the doctor's lounge needing to breath. She took a seat at the table and started crying. She held her head in her hands.

The door to the lounge came open. Dr. Rose looked up to see Dr. Halstead standing there. "Will I don't need one of your pep talks right now."

Dr. Halstead closed the door. He then walked over and pulled Dr. Rose to her feet. He then embraced her in a hug. Dr. Rose broke down and began to sob.

A few minutes had gone by and she was finally able to stop crying. "Thank you."

"Anytime. That's what best friends are for." Dr. Halstead released Dr. Rose from their hug. "You ready to work?" She wiped the tears from her face.

"Yeah let's get back to it." The two doctors exited the lounge and began to see and treat patients. Dr. Rose complete blocked out what had just happened.

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