Chapter Cinco

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  Four kits were born, and they're not important until later.
"Hey u wanna gather herbs" Windpaw- nope, now she's Windflower- asked.
"Nuh there's rags there." Vioetpaw saod n
"NUU we need to kill off Currystar!!!" Windflower saod.
    "K." Violet paw said.
   They went to gather herbs, and then rats jumped out at them.
    "OOHHB NUUUUU!!!!!" Windflower said.
"Bitch I told u so." Violet paw said as Cherrystir dies.

The cats trudged back into camp. "Violetpaw!" Flamepaw sprinted towards Violetpaw's side. "What happened?" He licked Violetpaw's shoulder. Soon, Breezelily and Brownspot came over. Brownspot froze in his tracks when he spotted Cherrystar's body.
"Cherrystar..." Brownspot whimpered.
"What happened to my mate?!" Flowerclaw yowled from the elder's den. Soon enough, the whole clan was gathered around the body of their former leader.
"Flashclaw," Ravenstripe nudged the deputy. The deputy meerly nodded, before they both dragged them selves out.
"But Ravenstripe," Nightchaser called to her littermate. "Your rat bites are pretty bad. Shouldn't you get some herbs for yourself?" The black she-cat suggested. There was a slight pause.
"No." That was Ravenstripe said before he and Flashclaw left.
"I should treat your wounds." Windflower held burdock root in her jaws. "Flamepaw could you grab me some cobweb?" Flamepaw ran into the den, and snatched a stick of cobweb. Windflower nudged Violetpaw into her den.

    They carried Cherristar'z body to camp.
   "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" The clan yelled. 
Flashclaw left, and got her nine lives.
    "Lionclaw ur mentoring the main character so ur deputy now." Flashstar shaid.

The Blood Valley but it SucksOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora