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Leader: Cherrystar - How do cats know what cherries are

Deputy: Flashclaw - She wears epilepsy on her claws

Med-cat: Ravenstripe - Let the bird heal you
App: Windpaw - 💨

Brownspot - Self explanatory

Lionclaw - Rawr

Sparrowleap - Who needs to fly when you can jump?
App: Bluepaw

Lizardsong - Lizards can sing too

Nightchaser - Can someone please tell her she can't reach the night sky with her paw?

Softtooth - He need some enamel repair

Lilystomp - 😱 nu dont step on the lilys!!

Tigerpelt - Rawr 2.0
App: Mosspaw

Mistwing - Cats can fly too

Snakepetal - Who needs scales?

Brindlepelt - The only normal cat here

Bluepaw - Blue

Mosspaw - Je has moss on him but he so sad :(

Breezelily - Not important (Mother of Brownspot's kit: Violetkit, a purple she-kit with purple eyes and beautiful silky fur and she's so perfect and has no flaws because she's the main character for half the book)

Pebblestorm - TAKE COVER! (Mother of Softtooth's kits: Frostkit, cold, Blizzardkit, colder, and Loudkit, who won't shut up)

Pouncenose - She
needs a botox

Flowerclaw - Such pretty claws

Rabbitcall - What should do rabbits even make?


Leader: Fernstar - Nvm she needs a botox more
App: Goldpaw

Deputy: Rowanbird - Because rowan = bird

Med-Cat: Hazelleap - I didn't know plants could jump
App: Sparkpaw - Don't start a fire

Boulderstep - Ouch
Apprentice: Splashpaw

Pineface - She has a pine tree for a face

Copperclaw - He has copper growing on his claws

Coldscar - Her scars are chilly

Ambernose - Her nose is a type of gem even though cats don't know what gems are
App: Seedpaw

Barkscratch - Haha he got scratched by a tree

Nettlefur - I think she should go see the med-cat

Roseleaf - Why is there a leaf in the clan?

Shadefang - I think we need a dentist if her fangs are black and shady

Goldpaw - She made out of gold

Seedpaw - Rumor has it that he shits seeds

Splashpaw - Don't get near water with her if you don't like to get wet

Rubblefur - She needs a bath (Mother of Rowanbird's kits: Eaglekit, yes a cat gave birth to an eagle, and Sweetkit, delicious)


Goosetail - Honk honk

Marshpelt: Forget botox she needs laser skin resurfacing


Leader: Dovestar - #BirdsCanLeadToo

Deputy: Dustlight - Where's the Swiffer duster?

Med-cat: Mousefire - OMG THAT MOUSE ON FIRE!!!

Streamwind - This name makes no sense

Deerfur - idk how he fit those deer in his fur

Poppytail - So that's where poppy seeds come from
App: Sappaw

Sunwish - The sun = A genie

Firebrook - More fire?
App: Falconpaw

Chirpfeather - Feathers make sounds too

Harefur - Who needs deers in your fur when you can have hares?

Acornpelt - Basically an acorn tree


Sappaw - This is where we get our syrup

Falconpaw - Another bird?

Badgerwhisker - I thought Midnight was bad (Mother of Streamwind's kits: Alderkit, a tree, and Splotchedkit, a painted canvas)

Fawnheart - Don't mind the deer eating prey (Expecting Poppytail's kits)

Hawkpool - Birds can fly, lead, and swim

Oaktoe - Where's the foot cream

Waspflame - Now the wasp are on fire too?

Outside the Clans
Marble - Get your free countertops

Sunny - Don't stare directly at him

Dan - And my name's Rose, and our son Westly kinda glows

Growl - Grrr

Tansy - It's a plant

Runner - Run boy run

Smokey - This is what happens when there's too much fire

Belle - Ding ding

Spot - The difference

Hickory - Dickory Dock

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