"How do you know...they're not writing about me?" 


"The Cloud Kingdom." I pointed up, towards the sky. 

"Because you wouldn't have been sitting there for two months if they gave a shit about you." 

I scratched my neck. "So do they give a...do they give one about me now?" 


"Then why am I here? Why am I going someplace and they're not not  caring about me anymore?" 

"It's not that they care, but fate has different plans than its writers, sometimes." 

"That's not what I was taught." 

"It's what you should have learned." 

"Where did you learn all this? How do you know that sitting there for two months wasn't the writers just waiting, or being too busy out looking for me?" 

He dragged a frustrated hand down his green-tinted face, groaning in displeasure. "Gosh, you ask too many questions." 

"Well, excuse me for wanting to know what the heck is going on after being oblivious for so long." 

"You're annoying. Please stop talking." 

The sarcastic 'please' was unnecessary. He didn't need to act like he wanted to be polite. It was so evident that he thought of me as nothing more than a tool. Still, I sat down, huffing out a sigh and resting my chin on my elbow. I wasn't quiet, though. There were no mistakes anymore. The Cloud Kingdom wouldn't write out me being quiet or being submissive to everyone who crossed me. I was destined for a bad ending, anyway. 

"You're not the one who should be calling me annoying. You-" I turned and stabbed a finger at my chest, shooting daggers at him, "-had the nerve to drag me all the way out here for a few useless things from Ronin, and then leave me high and dry, and then come back for me claiming that I'm suddenly important. I've obviously never once crossed your mind until now, Morro." 

This earned a wicked scrunch of his nose. The wind increased before calming down like his powers were emotion-driven. I sat upright, proud with my accomplishment. It felt good to put someone in their place. 

I stood a little too confidently, crossing my arms and sticking my tongue out. Morro quirked an eyebrow up before a hint of his smile returned and the wind rapidly increased, but only for a second. It was strong enough to tip the boat up and launch me over the edge. 

I fell face-first into the water, seaweed brushing my calved and tickling my feet. Coughing, I swam to the surface, swiping at my face. "You!" I cried, spitting out salt water. 

"Better get up soon, princess. There's some creepy things down there." 

A slimy tail wriggled by my toes. I screeched, kicking in the water, splashing everywhere. 

"Don't get it on me, idiot," Morro said, inching away from the edge of the boat. 

"You threw me into the water!" I jut an accusatory finger at him. 

"Correction: you flung out of the boat when you lost your balance." He held up a factual finger. 

"You're unbearable!" My white robe was soaked, and I swam my way back to the boat, clinging on to the side. I spat water out, feeling my clothing matted to my skin like a heavy, wet blanket. 

The wind stopped propelling for a moment; just long enough for me to crawl back on. I took up my seat, the wood growing dark as the water dripped down from my sopping attire. 

"Don't get the water on me." 

"Why? So you don't go poof?" I flung out my hands, dripping with water, to threaten him. Morro backed off, throwing up his arms as if that would make a difference. 

"Don't forget that I'm your only way home. Unless you can steer this thing without an oar." 

I let out a low groan, my hands slapping to my sides. I rang out my robe, shivering as Morro began propelling us forwards again. The wind picked up drastically, as if he was purposely making me cold. 

"Chill out, you brat. I didn't come unprepared." He tossed a blanket towards me, warm and fuzzy. Not the silky kind we had back in the Cloud Kingdom. The itchy, scratchy material that earthly grandmothers always tucked you in with that the writers hated writing about. 

Still, I took the blanket without thanks and wrapped it around myself. 

"Don't look at me all surprised. I can be nice." He turned, pretending to look at the wind pushing us forwards, creating ripples in the water. "I wouldn't ignore the needs of a spoiled brat such as yourself." 


this chapter was a lotta fun to write!! And before y'all get on me for the 'bad ending' thing, ik most of my stories have sad and angsty endings, but this one is completely different and I have better ideas for it. if i dont update chapter eight by next week, pls let me know! i'm not really active on wattpad anymore but i write when i can because i know you guys enjoy it and you guys make me so happy :) 

I hate you, I love you - Morro x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now