General Book Club Rules • June 2021

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You are required to read and agree to all of the rules.

If it appears you have not read the rules, your application may be denied.

• Authors who are seeking publication (We are primarily looking for adults not in school, but we will accept high school students and college students who have a proven track record with other clubs, quality writing, and good reviewing skills). The book submitted to the club does not have to be the book you are seeking publication for, but it should exhibit the same high quality of writing.

• Some fanfiction is permitted. Fanfiction authors are excluded from the publishing requirement, but their work must exhibit a similar quality to those seeking publication. Fanfiction should be based on mainstream artistic fandoms only. [No obscure fandoms. Real-person fanfiction will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.]

Preferred minimum age: 21. Because Wayfarer's Lamppost is looking for serious adult authors that show not only a maturity in their writing but also in their reviewing insight, the preferred minimum age is 21, preferably those authors who are not full-time university students. (Exceptions may be made for university students who agree to their partners going on hiatus for exam preparation. Exceptions may be made for high school students with an excellent reviewing record. Please, no middle school students.)

Add this book to a public reading list and your library.

Follow these accounts: WayfarersLamppost AmericanBruja MichaelHoliday.

• All books must be "free" on Wattpad and not part of the "Paid Stories" pay-per-read program.

• All ratings are accepted. However, no member will be required to read a book that violates her personal standards. Additionally, books with sex scenes that are not related to character development or plot development will be declined. If you are assigned to a book you cannot read due to mature content or other reason, please send a private message directly to the administrator on duty immediately with your reasons. Please do not contact your partner.

All books must be written in English.

• All books must be the author's own work. No plot-lifting. No plagiarism. No character theft. (Fanfiction is permitted, provided the work is properly categorized as fanfiction. Retelling of Disney stories that Disney based on stories that are still under original copyright are fanfiction. Retelling of fairytales based on folklore, fairytales, or mythology are retellings and do not fall under fanfiction.)

• Chapter lengths:

1–3000 = 1 chapter

3001–5000 = 2 chapters

5001–7000 = 3 chapters

7001+ = divide your chapter into three or more sections before applying

• Submission length = at least 12 textual chapters at time of submission. Books may be works in progress.

• Two-Stage Screening Process.

► All books will be screened for quality before acceptance of a member to the club. Applicants should have already edited for grammar and punctuation before submitting their books. Characters should be well-developed. Plot lines should be believable unless the book is written as a farce.

Wayfarer's Lamppost Book Club • Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now