𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 5

Start from the beginning

I gasped and fought for my life I couldn't breathe, I was terrified of water and couldn't swim I tried to fight and I saw how they laughed thinking I was faking it.

After I was ready to give up Monique rushed by my side and helped me out I had to lie down and thank her for saving my life.

After some time I went to make some Lavender tea and he didn't check on me, I went to check on him and found him with Erika kissing but I ignored it ,I walked back home leaving the pain behind, I couldn't wait to get in my room and cry.

I was sad because he hated me. After all, if actions spoke louder than words then his actions were defeaning.

I slept with a heavy heart and went with my dad to his company the following day,the more I spent time with him the more I fell in love with architectural work the thought of seeing land and turning it into something amazing brought me so much joy.

My mom was one of the best Chiropractors in our state, I always chose to go with dad while Ria went with mom.

I played with the boxes and after some time we went home, Marcus was home waiting for me my mom was happy and we walked upstairs to my room, leaving the door open.

My parents left and he was happy he started kissing me and we had cold sex.

After he sat up on my bed naked with my pink blanket covering his men part he said"I think we should break up that was my parting gift"

I was on my bed trying to understand what he was saying, I sat up too and when I tried to touch him it was like my hands had thorns.

So I spoke up...

"I'll be better please baby" was all I could say ...

He got up wore his underwear, pants, and shirt Sat on my bed put on his shoes, before he left he nodded and kissed my cheek.

"You better be or we are over for good and one more thing ?"

I looked at him...

"Find a way to spice things up in the bedroom because what just happened was a too lame or ask Erika she's more experienced okay baby"

I nodded while giving him my biggest fake smile which hurt...just like that he left not looking back...

Wait Erika? Did he just confirm he fucked or fucks her ?

After some time I started feeling sick he was still distant but I overcompensated just so I could keep him.

You should know betraying yourself to keep a man will always end up making you need therapy because the damage and pain would be too deep.

I got more sick but he wasn't around so I couldn't share that with him, I bought a pregnancy test and it came back positive. fuck

I can't be pregnant my mom would kill me and my dad would be so disappointed in me the other part of me felt bad for thinking about an abortion I was torn and had no one to cry to.

One morning I woke up with blood on my sheets.

It looked too weird to be a period.

I quickly showered and washed my sheets avoiding my mother's questions when I was done I had to go to school.

I walked to school in so much pain and spoke to nurse Mona she was the old sweet lady who was more like a momma bear she really loved being the school nurse.

She confirmed that I miscarried then gave me a bunch of pills to take even pain meds I took them and felt better, she didn't judge me or ask questions she understood.

I told him and he accused me of lying saying he wanted proof? What kind of proof? Wasn't my heart torn apart enough for him?

He said Sister Mona should have put it in writing?What?

All the texts I got from girls, the girl that told me he cheated somehow would never amount to the pain of him asking me for proof.

Like I would be capable of staging this? Me who was there for him through it all, who supported his dream, who wanted to be a nurse just to satisfy him.

I had to pick up the pieces and act like it never happened that's the thing about trauma you can silence it in a corner and hope it's not loud enough for people outside to hear it and question you but the noise is always loud for you.

It turns your whole world upside down demanding you to hear it, see it, feel it, break down and finally let it go...

I was happy at our graduation because I could finally start college far from home and him Hazelview here I come...

He thought I was still going to study nursing like he wanted because architectural work isn't for women.

But I was going to study architectural work, and moving far away 2 hours away is still far from him and that was okay, Monique was angry and said I wouldn't make it because she wanted to study nursing with me.

I became the deaf frog for once and packed my bagsfor a new life....

My dad got me my first car for college and my mom wasn't happy but had no say thank God, I drove off leaving it all behind.

I loved college that's where  I met Ana she was like what I didn't know I needed she was fun and crazy and soon we were both crazy having fun.

We went to parties together and had fun she met Sam and they fell in love.

I admired what they had but realized just because it's how her life is doesn't mean I could be that lucky too.

So I went on dates hated the scene then stopped and gave 100% to my school work.

I excelled in it we both graduated from college and got jobs, I worked for Mr. Mc'conohay he was a great man taught me so much, and gave me enough tools to start my firm and I did.

He gave me so many referrals I couldn't believe just how much he believed in me.

Soon I was in magazines as the youngest lady to beat the male-dominated field.

Soon I was in magazines as the youngest lady to beat the male-dominated field

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My dad was proud he helped with my office turned it into my haven...

Then I hired everyone including Simone.

So seeing Marcus brought back all those emotions the very same feelings that were like a road leading me here with the negative too.

How could he do this to me? My little sister? didn't he have options knowing Marcus he's only marrying her to get back at me?

Me and Rina aren't close but I don't want Marcus to hurt her and I can't stop them or I'd seem jealous so I'll do what anyone would do take a step back and pray for her.

Me and Rina aren't close but I don't want Marcus to hurt her and I can't stop them or I'd seem jealous so I'll do what anyone would do take a step back and pray for her

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