"Wow" I say making her turn to face me "what?" she asks "you look amazing" I say causing her to look down at her outfit. "Really? It's nothing that special" she says "no it is, you look perfect" I respond making her blush "why thank you" she replies turning away and I can't help but take a sneaky glance at her ass which that dress does great justice for because her ass looks amazing in that dress.

"So what do you need my help for?" I ask scratching the back of my head "could you fetch me those shoes on the floor? Bending down isn't a good idea for me" she explains gesturing to her baby bump.

"Of course love" I respond walking over and bending down to pick up the pair of nude shoes. I walk over to her and she goes to take them from me but I pull the shoes back "ah hold on, sit down" I say making her frown but she says nothing as she sits on the edge of the bed.

"What are you doing?" she asks as I get on my knees "you'll see" I say taking one of her feet and slipping one shoe on "you're such a dork" she says with a giggle shaking her head. "I'm not a dork love, I just know how to treat my baby mama well" I respond as I grab her other foot and slip her other shoe on. "Why thank you Prince charming" she says in a sweet fancy voice making me chuckle as I stand up, placing one arm behind my back and doing a hand spiral gesture as I take a bow "you're very welcome" I say in a posh voice making her giggle as I grab her hand and pull her up off the bed.

"You hear that baby? Your daddy is a goofball" she says in a soft tone as she looks at her baby bump while caressing it with her hand before her eyes suddenly widen "woah" she utters "what?" I ask and she grabs my hand, bringing it to her stomach and placing it on her baby bump.

"Wait for it" she says before I suddenly feel something nudge against my hand making my eyes widen as I briefly pull my hand back. "Was that?...." I ask trailing off as I look at her and she nods "the baby kicked" she says and I let out a sound of disbelief as I place my hand back against her baby bump and gently rubbing it.

The baby kicks again making her giggle and I feel this warmth and joy appear in my heart and I feel tears prick my eyes. God why am I being this emotional? Probably because feeling my child kick lets me know my child is doing okay in there and it makes this all the more real that I'm going to be a dad.

"God you little beauty" I utter in amazement feeling the baby kick again "he or she is a wiggle bum" Davina giggles with a hand placed over mine making me look at her and our eyes lock making my breath hitch and she bites her lip. The baby kicks again making us break the eye contact "come on, I hear people starting to arrive and I don't want your brother to get his panties in a twist because we're late" Davina says making me chuckle as she pulls away making me remove my hand from her baby bump.

We leave the room and head downstairs to the dining room where Klaus is stood at the table with Marcel and his inner circle vampires one of them being Diego. Hayley walks out just as me and Davina are making our way down the stairs.

"What are they doing here? They aren't our kind filthy mutts" Diego sneers glaring at Davina and Hayley making me glare at him as I gently push Davina back behind me "wipe that look off your face before I smack it off and careful of what you say otherwise I will rip your tongue out" I growl making him glare at me.

"Diego I understand you have a dislike towards wolves but these girls are to be treated with respect otherwise your head will be removed from your shoulders" Klaus threatens as I continue glaring at him as he does to me.

"Gentlemen and ladies please let's sit" Elijah says as he enters the room, fixing the cuffs of his suit looking as formal as ever like usual. Rebekah enters behind him and she and Marcel gaze at each other for a brief moment.

I pull out a chair for Davina as we reach the table and she flashes me a smile as she sits down. I sit myself next to her and Hayley sits next to Davina "now you might be wondering why these lovely ladies are here" Klaus says still standing while everyone else is sat down.

His baby mama (Kolvina)Where stories live. Discover now