Chapter 1

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Hitting flush with my knuckles and keeping my palms down, I gave a straight shot to the punching bag. Turning my body slightly and taking a step ahead, head touching, I let my knuckles touch the bag once again swiftly.

Who am I?

Changing my tactics, I bent my legs and took my palms up, and landing another punch with my knuckles. These movements kept repeating as I took a step on the other side of the bag.

A clear voice called for my attention, "Ma'am."

A quick glance to my left, I saw a blonde-haired individual with a pristine black suit with shiny matching shoes. Returning my orbs to the bag in front of me, I landed the last shot with my right hook.

The sound of my heart beating rang in my ears as I stopped moving. Taking a deep breath in, I took that opportunity to take the gloves out of my hands, and I let them drop on the ground.

Taking few steps ahead, I reached in front of him and he instantly offered, "Towel, Ma'am?"

Nodding, I accepted the soft towel out of his hands and wiped my face with it. After taking few more seconds to regain my composure, I looked at him with a bored expression, waiting.

Steading my breathing, I simply asked, "Is the dinner still on?"

Immediately, he replied, "Yes, Ma'am."

Wiping my face one last time, I nodded at him while saying, "Okay."

Without waiting for another verbal response, I began walking away from him, while he kept following me. I walked out of my own personal gym, which was usually used by me or my employees.

I began marching straight, while I heard another set of footsteps behind me, till I stopped in my tracks when I remembered.

As I looked around my living room, I could clearly see paintings in every corner, making this place look lively. Few glass sculptures were placed on the different oak tables, and each piece of furniture was placed in its designated place. To make this room look inviting and calm, it was surrounded by the colour of soft creamy pink.

Turning around slowly, I noticed the man dressed in all black with a matching expressionless face waiting for his next orders.

I asked, "What time is the dinner, Bernardo?"

On the first years that I had known Bernardo, he had been my coach, a motivator, teaching me everything from guns to knives to fighting. However, over time he became my bodyguard. He was someone that escorted me in my daily activities and in public events. His loyalty was to me and he was never shy to share his opinion, but he still was respectable. We had been through a lot, and somehow, we fell into the friendship category.

He uttered, "At 8, Ma'am."

Nodding once, I asked another question, "Where is Rosa?"

A soft voice uttered, "Here Ma'am."

The young woman walked into the room with confidence. Her long straight brown hair draped behind her with few strands in front and her softest hazel eyes glancing at me.

Rosa was many things from my personal stylist to assistant. But her skills lied on being my eyes and ears when I was not around. She was perfect for the job because she was invisible to others, just another ordinary maid.

The first time we saw her was in Poland, where she was being tortured and trained to be someone's slave. She had been so small and weak when I found her that I had to free her. I had saved her right then and had given her enough money to do whatever she wanted, but she had refused. Even in her frighten and terrified state, she had been very specific that she did not want hand-outs, instead of a job. I had been reluctant, but she convinced me that she was the best fit to find others' darkest secrets, especially my enemies, in return, I would protect her.

Her eyes returned to the mobile in front of her.

Rosa said, "Ma'am, the dresses are ready. There are few options for you to choose." But her eyes returned to my figure as she continued, "Is there anything else you want me to do?"

Instead of hassling her, I ordered, "No, I will let you know if I do. You can go to your room."

She nodded once with a small smile before she walked out of the room.

My gaze returned to Bernardo, who stood in the corner of the room.

I called, while he took two steps ahead and stood straighter, "Bernardo."

His chocolate eyes looked at me, once again waiting, as I continued, "Bernardo, be ready at 8. I will be in my room if you need anything."

With a sharp nod, he said, "Yes, Ma'am."

After walking a set of stairs of my mansion, I finally reached the last door of the corridor. As I opened my room, I was greeted with a light summer breeze that seemed to surround the room. My orbs took a quick look at the light blue shaded the walls and contemporary tables and other furniture.

I entered the attached bathroom and took a quick shower right after. Before I left the bathroom, I took a quick glance at the massive mirror that was in front of me.

Perfect green eyes and silky long red hair stared back at me. I still remembered my dimmed eyes when my life had been miserable, but now they shined bright. My laughing lines were prominent and pink lips created a smile.

Who am I?

When I snapped out of the trance, I walked into my personal closet. Immediately, my orbs peeked at the options that Rosa left for me. Out of all the options, I decided to wear a simple embroidered crop top with a black A-line pencil skirt.

Looking at my figure through a full-length mirror, I smoothen the small wrinkles that I could see. When I was ready to go downstairs, I moved into my bedroom and gathered my bag.

Reaching the living room once again, I saw Bernardo typing furiously into his phone with a worried look on his face.

Ignoring his features, I announced, "I am ready. Let's go."

His brown eyes stared at me for a second before he uttered quietly, "Yes, Ma'am."

Bernardo began walking in front of me and opened the door till I reached the front door. Taking stepping ahead, I looked outside that it was already nightfall. The full moon was high in the sky, along with bright stairs, which looked so small when I looked at it.

Before I could smile at the small beauty, Bernardo called for my attention, "Ma'am."

My gaze locked with him as his searching eyes stared at me, waiting. He was next to my black Cadillac. This automobile was very dear to my heart as it was gifted by the man who once saved me. I found myself nodding and walking closer to the car till I sat on the luxurious leather seat of my Cadillac.

The car door next to me closed and Bernardo made his way to the driver's seat. The engine roared as Bernardo prepared the car. Soon, the car took off and we began traveling to our destination.

As we were driving, my head touched the side window, while my eyes kept watching the streets. Each time the car stopped for a traffic light, I saw normal people walking on the pavements; some happy, others sad and a few cheerful. The decision to stay in a dangerous world had been mine, but I had made peace with my decisions, right or wrong, it had been mine and only mine.

Gazing at them, I found something in common with them.

We all get hurt. We all bleed.

But we all keep moving on.

We all keep going till we die. Small fragments scattered from my past life kept haunting me.

Eventually, I was drowned by it and it began playing inside of my mind like a movie.


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