"I'm so sorry" she sat back up

"Don't be, you know his girlfriend is blonde with blue eyes and he always told me his type wasn't blue eyes, blonde hair. It was brown eyes, brown hair but after our second year together he told me I was his only type and he won't look at anyone else" she smiled sadly

"Why didn't you tell anyone about your feelings?" The girl just wants a shoulder to cry on and here I am asking her questions sometimes I really hate myself

"Because I wanted him to think I didn't care that I was strong but I'm not strong Riley. I-i tried being the best girlfriend but he just left me" I swear I'm gonna cry

I hate this Caleb before I even meet him

"Let's go it's late mom might worry" she said and got up and went to her car and I followed

She threw the car keys at me "you drive I don't think I'm capable of driving now" I nodded and sat in the driver's seat

Ok you got this Riley it's been alittle long since you last drove but look at Layla she can't drive just don't think about it and drive nothing will happen

I took a deep breath and started the car and drove back home

Layla suddenly started talking "I know you don't like driving, you didn't tell me but your mother did. You know a day before the accident she called and told me to take care of you while she's away, she was the only one I talked to about everything, she was more like my sister than my my aunt. She told me Caleb isn't worth it, that all boys in highschool are assholes who only think about themselves, that I should focus on myself, I still remember when I called her crying the day he broke up with me, she told me to cry my heart out, to cry all the feelings I have for him out, to let them all out and I did that I cried for hours everyday. She flew to California a week after and took me shopping then took me to an empty mountain place and told me to scream all I want to get all my feelings out. I felt like my heart broke when I heard the news of her death" She smiled sadly and wiped her tears away

My mother was truly an amazing woman she took care of me and Layla and was successful In her career and loved my father with all her heart

We arrived at the house and I put Layla to bed

I went back to my bedroom to notice I had a massage from Xavier that was 5 minutes ago

Xavier: hey, you're probably sleeping but I just wanted to tell you goodnight. See you tomorrow Riley.

Me: no, I'm not sleeping. Good night to you too Xavier. And yeah see you tomorrow (if you don't skip school)

Xavier: I wouldn't skip it for the world now that I see you there

Me: cheesy but you're cute

Xavier: how many times do I have to tell you cute doesn't suit me, I'm hot and sexy but certainly not cute

Me: sureeee. Goodnight

Xavier: goodnight, dream of me ;)

Me: you wish king

I went to sleep with a smile on my face

"Good morning" I said as I walked in the kitchen

"Morning" Layla said

"Where's aunt Linda?"

"She went to work early today"

The Gang Leader's Possession Where stories live. Discover now