"Of course not! That's not what I meant-" 

"Well then what did you mean?" she yelled back. Lev put a hand on her shoulder. 

"Dawn, please, try to be civil for once in your life." 

"Like you were ever civil when you cheated on me!" 

"I didn't cheat! She tried to make a move, I tried to stop her, you walked in. That's all there was!" 

"Yeah, right! I know what I saw!" Dawn retorted. 

Chandler stumbled through the opened of the tent flap, taking a seat on the tree stump. 

"I promise you, I didn't do anything!" Lev pleaded. Dawn rolled her eyes. We heard a quiet whispering, over by Talia and Auriana. 

"What did you expect me to do?" Talia was yelling at full force now. 

"I needed you! Doug had broken up with me. And what did you do? You went to the fair! The fair! Your sister was dying. And who came to her rescue? Jodan! My only brother left in this entire world!" Auriana was crying, sobs coming down on her face. 

Talia scoffed. 

"You need to get up and deal with it." 

All this emotion was starting to take a toll on Chandler's calm demeanor. 

"I can't believe this! Auriana was trying to say that she lost a lot. Why can't you be there for her? You weren't there for me!" 

"I'm going through a lot right now." Talia murmured. 

"Really? All I seem to see you do is fun, fun, fun." Chandler shouted. 

Dawn and Lev were still arguing. Talia and Auriana were shouting across the fire, with Talia alternating between Auriana and Chandler. I watched in shock as our friend group began to fall apart. 

Iris' worrying eyes darted from one couple to the other, and finally to Auriana, who was bawling. 

"Crystal Silencio!" she shouted, as a burst of pink light emanated from her hands. 

All conversation ceased, and the forest was again quiet. 

Talia, Auriana, Chandler, Dawn, and Lev's mouths were covered by a thin sheet of pink crystal. They mumbled their complaints, and struggled to get it off. 

"Just listen for once!" she pleaded. There were tears at the corners of her eyes. Everyone turned around towards her. 

No one wanted to see Iris cry. She was like the baby of the group. The kid sister who cheered everyone up when they were feeling sad. 

"Dawn, I know you want the best for people. And you feel that you know what's best. But it can be painful to assume the worst about others. You can't just assume that Talia was at fault when she and Chandler broke up. And Lev might not have been at fault when he "cheated" on you. You have to listen to both sides of the story. They are both equally important." 

"Talia, you can't expect everyone to live up to your expectations. Chandler can't be the perfect boyfriend if you keep setting new standards for him every minutes. Auriana can't just deal with things on her own all the time. She needs love and support. We were there for you when you broke up with Kyle. You need to be there for others." 

"Lev, you are the strongest, most brave person I've ever known. But when it comes to loved ones, you give in easily. You let others take advantage of you. Sometimes without you even knowing it. Your loved ones don't always have to be spared when you are sticking up for yourself. I'm not saying family isn't important. But you need to stick up for yourself and speak your mind. Maybe not too truthfully, but what you feel deep inside." 

"Chandler, you are WAY too oblivious. Oblivious to even your girlfriend's feelings. You can't just ignore things like that. When you do that, you look insensitive. You don't see the love radiating off from your family or loved ones. And sometimes, that obliviousness is what caused your own misfortune." 

"Auriana, you are the most kindest, bubbly person I've ever known. But sometimes, you need hold grudges for a long time. Grudges are what gets in the way of you being yourself. That rage blinds you, and it bundles up over time. Those grudges are what keeps you from being the caring, awesome friend that I know you can be." 

The five were in tears. They hadn't realized the effect they all had on each other. Iris suddenly gasped, and removed the cover. 

Still, none of them said anything. 

"I have something to say." I called, breaking the silence. 

"Iris, we know you want to help everyone, but sometimes you just can't. Believe us, you make a difference just by doing small things, like getting us groceries, or even just bringing some chocolates with a cup of coffee. You make us feel special. So for now, help one person at a time. Small steps lead to big ones." 

Iris smiled widely. 


"Nathaniel, I'm so sorry. I just didn't want to lose my friends to men. I mean, I lost my sister, and I don't want to lose Iris either. I just get so... angry sometimes." Talia apologized. 

Nathaniel grinned. 

"Guys, this is too much for me!" Auriana suddenly burst into tears as we all ran to the middle for a group hug. 

Lolirock: Balance -Third of the Lolirock SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now