Chapter 27: Shifting Sands

Start from the beginning

"Hokage-sama." The silver haired teen gave a bow as he stopped in front of the desk.

"What do I owe this pleasure to?" Hiruzen laced his wrinkled hands together a top the desk as his sharp eyes fixed on his new visitor.

Kakashi let his voice fall into an easy rhythm. One that showed only professionalism and not the nagging concern he truly felt. "Sir, I understand I may be stepping out of my boundaries, but I need to know if there has been any updates on Ahsoka Aoyama's circumstances."

The Hokage blinked for a short second, then his graying brows knitted together. "Young man, do you understand missions such as Ahsoka's are ones of the utmost secrecy?"

"Yes, sir."

Kakashi watched the Hokage suppress a sigh before he looked back up at Kakashi, he had something akin to either pity or annoyance in his eyes. "I know she is your teammate and a close friend of yours, Kakashi...but I am afraid cannot disclose any details about the mission to you-"

"Has she at least sent word to you?" Kakashi cursed at the slight change in his even tone.

The Hokage's lips turned into a frown, "No...she has not."

Kakashi felt a spike of hot anger flare inside his chest. There hadn't been a single word from her...and the Hokage was doing nothing? There was a time Kakashi would have agreed with what the Hokage was doing. He would have agreed that jeopardizing a mission for their comrades would be the worst possible thing a person could do.

But not anymore. Now he didn't know if he wanted to give the Hokage a piece of his mind or throttle him from his chair. Thankfully he had more self restraint than that, but the old man most have noticed something in his expression as he let out another sigh.

"Kakashi, I don't like this anymore than you do..." The Hokage began, and Kakashi wasn't sure he was lying, "...but I can't mobilize anything in case it could hinder Ahsoka's work."

"She could be in danger."

"Give her time Kakashi."

"She already had time."

They stared each other down. Defiance was not something Kakashi was akin to doing, but he had gotten more comfortable with it through out the years. He had a certain obnoxious Uchiha to thank for that.

At last, the Hokage inhaled slowly, letting the air fill his lungs before he spoke again, "I am sorry Kakashi. But you are not allowed to go find Ahsoka. I will not endanger her or anybody else."

"But sir-" Kakashi tried one more time

"You are dismissed."

There was no room for argument. Not this time. Kakashi could only suppress a glare and tighten his fists at his sides. He gave a stiff bow and turned on his heel, each step like led as he walked to the door.

It was a miracle he didn't slam it.

Kakashi respected the Hokage greatly. He knew that he only wanted what was best for the village. It was his job after all.

But Kakashi also didn't care about what the Hokage said. He was not about to lose another person dear to him when he could've done something about it. And he said Kakashi himself couldn't go, he didn't say anything about summonings.

He immediately set off to the rolling green training fields, far from curious stares and prying eyes. He laced his hands through the elaborate yet familiar hand motions with half a thought, then he slammed his palm on the ground.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" Black marking spread through the bright green grass before a cloud of white smoke took their place, bringing with it a lone, hunched, snub nosed figure.

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