• Chapter Nine •

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Heyo, sorry it's been a bit! I'm writing this chapter on my phone so sorry if the formatting is a bit weird I don't have my computer with me rn!

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I woke up to the sound of Alex snoring loudly. My memory of last night is mostly hazy cause of all the panic attacks but I think I remember making my way back to bed and practically passing out.

I roll over to grab my phone and check the time which reads 5:46. Lovely. I slowly ease myself up to a sitting position and look out my window gazing up at the dark sky. The emptiness is peaceful this morning. Not even any birds chirping around yet. Just silence. I like the nothing. But without any distractions it just lets my mind run wild.

Hank was a terrible father. I always did everything I could to make sure Ellie was never hurt but it wasn't her he hated anyways. He hated me. I wish I understood why, I wish there was a reason or something I did wrong. But he just hated me. There was nothing I could do to fix it, nothing that made him happy. Well beating me till I passed out did the trick.

"D-Dad! Please I have school tomorrow they'll know something is wrong you, you can't hurt me, please!" Tears stained my cheeks as I begged for him to stop. He only came closer with a eager smile stretched across his face.

"Then I guess you'll just have to stay home sick and spend some more quality time with me!" My heart drops. Not again.

"D-Dad please! I promise I'll be better! Just tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it!" I'm such a baby, but what else can you expect from a kid? "I'm sorry I'm so sorry Dad!"

His smile only grew as he raised his hand to land another blow.

I flinch violently out of my memories, my breathing rough and panicky as I look around trying to remember where I am. I hate my mind, ruining every moment of peace I find. I hate myself.

I need to get out of this small room, I need to get out of my head, I need to breathe. Throwing my legs over the side of my bed and grabbing my phone I make my way quietly downstairs trying not to wake anyone up. Carefully I make my way to the kitchen teaching for the cupboard to get myself a glass of water.

"What are you doing up?" I yelp and stumble back at the sudden voice, turning to find Owen sitting silently at the kitchen counter.

"What the fuck, you scared the shit out of me!" I whisper shout, not wanting to wake anyone else up. His soft low chuckle fills the room as he smirks.

"Sorry I didn't know you were so jumpy," I just shake my head and go back to getting a glass of water.

"I just couldn't sleep that's all," hoping that's enough to settle his curiosity, "why are you up anyways?"

"Just felt like it." He answers with a small shrug. His mood seems to have improved drastically since our shopping trip.

"Glad to see you aren't being a moody bitch anymore, just too early for that or are you only an ass when you're shopping?" This again earns a low laugh from him as I take a seat next to him at the counter.

"Maybe I'm an ok person sometimes. Only sometimes though." I take a sip of my water and just shake my head at his shitty answer. "I am..." he hesitates his voice growing more serious, "I'm sorry for being a jerk before. I'm not the easiest to get along with, and I'm only saying this now because I'm insanely tired so don't expect me to be nice to you once I've had my coffee."

"You're like the reverse of most people," he gives me a puzzled look so I continue, "most people are bitches until they've had their coffee, you're a bitch after." He just nods and looks back down at his phone, I suppose signaling an end to this conversation. If you could even call this strange encounter a conversation. I can't understand Owen. One second he's a complete asshole the next he's acting like an actual brother. I think he enjoys being so mysterious.

We sit in silence for a long while, both attempting to deny that we're enjoying the other's presence. It's nice not being alone, even if that means I'm stuck with the physical embodied of an emotional rollercoaster. His calm demeanor still brings an odd warmth to my heart. A much better peace than the empty nothingness of the night.

"Get the fuck up losers it's time to make the best fuckin breakfast you've ever had!!" I'm startled by Alex's shouting from upstairs, and surprised when I look over at the clock to find that it's already eight o'clock. Thundering footsteps follow and a messy haired Alex races into the kitchen. "Hi Aiden! Are you excited for our supertabulous breakfast bash!"

"I don't think that's a word Alex.."

"Sure it is! I said it so now it's a word! Now help me get all the ingredients out while the other losers slowly roll out of bed!" He turns to a very unamused Owen, " go make sure the idiots actually wake up this time! I will not be making our extratabulous Saturday breakfast alone for the third week in a row!" Owen reluctantly follows orders, seemingly not wanting to stick around and listen to Alex's shouting any longer.

"You know adding "tabulous" to the end of a word doesn't make it a real word." Alex shoots me a glare.

"Stop ruining my words!" He can't glare for long, his "anger" lasting all of three seconds before he breaks out into laughter, making me chuckle as well.

"Sorry, sorry," I put my hands up in a mock surrender, " I don't me to ruin your funtabulous words." His smile widens, practically jumping for joy at my joining in.

"That's the sprit! Now get over here and help me! If no one else will get up at least you've gotta help me with this! It's not called family breakfast for me to just make it all!"


He's my family.

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Heyyyyyyy . . . It's kinda been a second- my bad. Thank you guys so much for reading- sorry this is kinda a shitty chapter I've been majorly stuck in writers block or something and seriously unmotivated but I really want to get to the good part of the story! Anyways enough of my meaningless rambling. Thank you again so much for reading- I hope you're liking the story so far even if this chapter was a mess and written in like thirty minutes . . .

Yeahhh my bad it's really bad. Anyways (part two) have a fantabulous day! ❤️

(Also Hailey if you're reading this sorry for not responding to your texts- I was writing😅 love ya...)

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