• Chapter Four •

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Four sets of eyes stare back at me and Ellie. Well mostly at Ellie. She's smiling at the boys while I just stare blankly at them. I'd look at her too. 

"Boys this is Ellie and Aiden," Jayden says from behind us, "This is Alex, Ethan, Owen, and Blake."  He gestures to each of them as he says their names, Alex and Ethan both smiling widely, Owen matching my blank gaze and Blake looking like he'd rather be anywhere else.

"Holy shit, you're really here!" Alex rushes forward and pulls us both into a hug, making me wince while Ellie giggles and hugs him back.

"Language Alex!" Jayden reprimands while also laughing. Finally, he lets go of the both of us and I take a few steps back trying not to freak out anymore than I already am.

"Sorry, it's just..." He smiles goofily at the both of us but I see the flash of pain behind his expression, "It's really good to see you again."

"Again?" Ellie questions and Alex's face falls a little.

"You both uh.. you lived with me and Blake until Aiden was four."

"Oh... I didn't know." The silence hangs in the air for a moment awkwardly, none of us really knowing what to say next. I lived with them for four years? I would give anything to remember that time, to know what it was like to have a family. To have a mom. 

"She looks just like her," Ethan says sadly staring at Ellie with a pained expression.

"I look like who?" her voice is soft but curious as she peers back at Ethan.

"Our mom, you look just like her," Alex responds quietly and the others nod.

"Oh," A pool of emotions swim behind her eyes but her face falls into a small smile, " do you have a picture of her? I... I never- I don't know..." she trails off not quite sure what to say.

"Hank never told us about her," I speak up for the first time and immediately regret calling him Hank instead of dad as Blake glares over at me.

"Hank?" His tone makes me jump, "you get to have our father and you call him "Hank" like he's some stranger?" I glare back at him trying to hide my fear, I can't let them see how weak I am.

"Yeah. I do." We stand there awkwardly for a moment longer, Me and Blake both glaring at each other while the others try to find something to say to break the tension. Finally, Jayden is successful. 

"You two must be exhausted from traveling all day. Why don't I show you your rooms and you can rest a little before dinner?"

"That sounds great!" Ellie flashes a small smile at our brothers, "It was great to finally meet you guys."

Everyone, besides Blake who is still glaring at me, smiles back at her as we follow Jayden up the stairs. I wonder who their favorite is, it's just so hard to tell. Jayden stops at the end of the hall in front of two adjacent doors.

"We had to do some rearranging since this house doesn't have quite enough bedrooms. But Blake moved down to the office in the basement so that you could have your own room, Ellie," He gestures to the room on the left, "We tried to decorate it a little, but... we had no idea what to put in there. Alex said a slip n slide and Ethan wanted to paint one of the walls neon green so I didn't have the best design team to work with here."

"I'm sure it's great thank you." She responds laughing, "Although I would've loved a slip n slide."

His smile widens, "I'm sure that can be arranged. Oh and Aiden you'll be sharing a room with Alex." He nods to the other room.

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