• Chapter Two •

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Them. She did it. Mrs. Bennett actually found us a home together. I can finally see my sister again.

The officers keep talking to Mike, explaining something about a notification he should have received but I'm not listening. I can finally see her again. I push back the tears threatening to fall and race up the stairs to pack. Throwing the few things I own into my beat-up backpack I don't even spare a second glance at the four walls I've called mine for the past year. I want to forget this place as fast as I can. Apparently, the universe has different plans for me.

"So pretty boy," I freeze at his voice, my smile immediately gone, and slowly turn around to see Carson leaning against the door frame. I gulp and shove my shaking hands into my pockets to try and hide my fear. " I hear you're leavin'."

I just nod in response, not trusting my voice around my foster brother.

"Well be careful what you say, I've got ears everywhere," he pauses to smirk and let the gravity of his threat sink in, "wouldn't want word getting out about the fun we have now would we?" I shake my head- trust me, I don't want anyone knowing about that either. No one will ever know. "Good. I wouldn't want anything to happen to that little sister of yours, Ellie was it?" His smile grows as my eyes widen, "she's a pretty little thing."

"Please-Please Carson, don't hurt her, I-I promise- I'm not gonna say anything. Please I p-promise." my voice comes out weak and sounds just as pitiful as I feel, but I don't care that I'm practically on my knees begging. I can't let him hurt her.

He chuckles, clearly enjoying the fear he inflicts on me. Taking a step closer he grabs my chin, forcing me to look him in the eyes.

"Good choice my pretty boy."

•  •  •

My knee has been bouncing uncontrollably the whole ride to the airport. After my encounter with Carson, I practically ran out of the house and have been sitting in this car for what feels like hours. The officers are nice and all, and they defiantly tried to make conversation- but I'm not much for talking so they eventually gave up on including me. Finally, we make it to the airport and I practically burst out of the car.

"Hold on kid," Officer two says placing a hand on my shoulder, " we still gotta wait for your sister and Mrs. Bennett to arrive." 

I nod and carefully step away from his touch. "How long till they get here?" That's probably the most I've said this entire car ride.

"About 15 minutes." Officer one says coming around to stand next to us in front of the car, " I just got off the phone with Juli-Mrs. Bennett," his cheeks flush red and I smile inwardly. So that's really why I got a police escort to the airport. He clears his throat before continuing, " and yeah... they'll be here soon."

I nod and let my gaze wander as they strike up some boring conversation about cars... or cats? I really wasn't listening. Each minute feels like forever as I wait. The warm late summer breeze rustles the leaves on the nearby trees that are just waiting for fall to be set ablaze with beautiful shades of red and orange. I pull at the sleeves of my sweatshirt wishing I could take it off under the blazing sun but old and new bruises and cuts litter my arms reminding me of the nightmare I'm finally leaving behind. 

"I've got ears everywhere"

Maybe there is no escape. This is just the life I'm destined to. A cycle of abuse at anyone's hand. Wherever we're going next is bound to be the same, at least I'll have Ellie this time. Three more years and I'm eighteen... I don't know if that will be soon enough. Pulling me out of my thoughts a small black car pulls up next to us. She's here.

"AIDEN!" I hear her cheerful voice shout and I break out into a smile. Before the car can even come to a full stop the side door flies open and a dirty blonde blur comes flying towards me. Tears in my eyes I sprint towards her as well, my heart racing. She's here. She's really here. We finally reach each other and collapse into a hug, her sobbing into my chest while a few tears slip down my cheek.  After a few moments I pull back to see her face for the first time in 12 months, her bight tearful brown eyes staring right back at me.

"Hey El," I finally manage to and she smiles even wider at the nickname.

"Hi Aiden." She smiles for another moment before her eyes narrow and she lightly shoves my shoulder, "why the hell haven't you called me?! You had me so worried! It's been a whole year since I've heard from you!"

I frown slightly. " I uh... I lost my phone." I glace up at Mrs. Bennett and the officers quickly, hoping she'll understand what I mean.

"Oh..." she responds worriedly, her eyes telling me she knows exactly what I meant. It breaks my heart that a thirteen-year-old should have to know about everything that she does. I know it worries her to death, the not knowing if I'll be okay after each...punishment. She was always there to clean me back up after Hank decided he'd had enough. It took twice as long for me to recover without her there to help this past year. 

I shake those thoughts away and smile back at her reassuringly. "It's all good, I'll just save up and get another one at the new place... speaking of which- where are we going?"

"Willow Falls," Mrs. Bennett steps in, "you are going to live with your brothers in Willow Falls."

"Brothers?" I respond shocked and looked over at Ellie who doesn't seem nearly as surprised as I am- She must've already been told on the way here.

"Yes..." Mrs. Bennett continues, looking over at the officers, "you should've already been informed? It was in the notification telling you that you were moving...?"

"There was an issue with the notice, Mr. Finn claims he never received one," One of the officers replies clearing up a fraction of the confusion I've had.

"Oh, well-" She turns back to me, " you're going to be living with your five older brothers. I'll tell you more about them on the plane but we really should get going so we don't miss it." I nod slowly, clearly not processing what she just said. My mind is swimming as I follow Mrs. Bennett into the airport, my arm wrapped around Ellie's shoulders.

Five brothers?

Holy shit.

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