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Heart Monitor

   The day after the parent-teacher conferences, everything seemed to return to normal. At least, normal for now. Elaine and Lydia were both caught up with the work they had missed the previous day, and had agreed on ignoring the situation had ever even happened. Stiles wasn't speaking to Scott after the whole mountain lion attack at the school after the conferences, where his dad had gotten hurt. Stiles had been somewhat blaming Scott for it.

Elaine made her way into her English class earlier than usual that day, taking her usual seat, which was one seat over from Stiles. The boy could practically smell the vanilla scent that seemed to float around her from a mile away, and he looked up as soon as she had entered the class. When she made her way to her seat, she caught sight of the Stilinski boy.

She vaguely remembered him stopping by yesterday, and she felt obligated to thank him. Though she wasn't sure if she really wanted to thank him, was he worth it? Was he worth her time? According to Lydia, he was not. And honestly, Elaine couldn't really be bothered.

When she could feel his gaze on her, she turned her head to the side slightly, meeting his eyes. She smiled sweetly, making his pulse race and his heart beat rapidly in his chest. Honestly, he thought he was about to have a heart attack just because she was acknowledging his existence.

"Hey," she said, waving her fingers at him. He smiled, nodding in greeting. His lips opened and closed, trying to formulate words. Elaine hummed in amusement before leaning slightly closer to the desk that was between them. "Thanks for stopping by yesterday, I don't remember a lot of it but, thanks."

Stiles nodded, his lips parting in slight shock that she had even remembered he came over at all. "Yeah, I- I was just worried about you..."

"Ellie," the brunette was tearing her attention from Stiles and up at Laila, looking up at her cousin who stood in front of her desk. Ellie quirked a brow, waving her hand as a gesture for her to continue. "My mom want your family to come over for dinner this weekend, something about celebrating.... something."

Ellie hummed, nodding. "Why can't she just ask my mom herself instead of having you ask me?"

Laila shrugged. "No clue. Maybe because she likes me doing all her dirty work."

Elaine stifled a laugh. "Okay, I'll tell my mom. What is it that we're celebrating?"

"I don't know, i was half asleep when she told me," Laila replied, shrugging. Ellie nodded, leaning back in her seat and looking down at her phone. Laila moved between the desks, making her way to her seat on the left of Stiles.

"You ruined our perfectly good conversation," he spat at her, narrowing his eyes as he held his voice at a quiet volume. "It was going amazing."

Laila rolled her eyes, dropping her bag to the floor. "It was about to be over anyways."

"No! I was-" Laila gave him a look, her eyebrow raising. Stiles sighed before nodding in agreement. "Yeah, you're right." He leaned back in his seat, looking out of the corner of his eye at Ellie, watching as she typed on the keypad of her phone. His pencil drummed against the surface of his desk. Tap. Tap. Tap.

Just then, Scott walked into the classroom. The two boys made eye contact, and Stiles' face fell in annoyance and anger. He avoided Scott's gaze, slumping in his seat and staring at the open book in front of him. Scott sighed, making his way down the aisle and falling into the seat behind Stiles, his bag dropping to the floor with a thud. Laila gave him a small smile, silently apologizing for Stiles, but Scott just brushed that off. She had nothing to apologize for.

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