What I'm trying to say is that... if you don't feel safe enough in your environment to come out, if you don't have a safe, plan b, in case things go bad, and I'm not saying they will, but they might... Don't feel pressured to come out just because. Your safety comes first, even if it will take a little bit longer for you to be able to live your own life freely. You don't owe anyone to tell them who you really are, your sexuality is your business and no one else's, except of course your partner or future partner, but you don't owe anyone to tell them who you fancy. It's who you are, and that's that. And if you know it won't be safe for you to tell others, please, be careful. If you really want to do it, weigh out the options. If the pros outweigh the cons... then by all means! But think of your safety first!

And either way, I love you and I know you're strong and you've got this! This is a safe space. No matter what.

OH— I dropped an eggshell in the batter.

Piper pouted as she tried to get the shell out.

Ew, ew, ew. Yekh, yeah. So... moving on, uhm...

— What are my pronouns? She/her!

— Where am I right now? Los Angles, baby! I'm working on a new project... details are coming out soon, no pride pun intended, so! Stay tuned!

— How many dogs do I have? Just Spud, the light of my life-

"That's supposed to be me!" JJ exclaimed from the patio again and Piper rolled her eyes.

— But there's also Billie, who's my girlfriend's pup. And of course, Ham. The greatest cat in the world.

— What flavour cupcakes am I going for? Just simple vanilla! You can't go wrong with vanilla.

— Do I actually speak French? Mais oui, bien sûr! My mother is French, guys. You could say it's my mother tongue...

Before Piper could start laughing at her own stupid joke, JJ popped her head in through the sliding doors, a very serious expression on her face.

"I'm going to leave. That was the worst joke you've ever made!"

— No! Jayje, it was funny!

"No, it wasn't! I need to walk the dogs though— have you seen Spud's collar?"

— Uhhh... try the laundry room.

"Why would it be in the laundry room?" JJ asked as she walked inside, closing the sliding doors behind her. She was still out of the camera's frame, probably on purpose.

— Why wouldn't it be in the laundry room? Taste...

Piper held out her spatula and JJ leaned over the counter, licking it clean. She raised her eyebrows and nodded enthusiastically.

"God, that's amazing! Okay, I'm gonna go. Do you need anything?"

Piper beamed and shook her head. JJ smiled back at her and leaned in again, lips puckered. "Kiss."

Piper got on her tiptoes and met JJ halfway, kissing her softly.

She watched JJ walk out, the dogs following her excitedly with their tails wagging.

When Piper glanced back at her phone, the comments were going crazy trying to figure out whether or not they recognised JJ's voice, and freaking out over how "adorable" Piper and JJ were.

— Thanks for all the compliments, guys! I know we are adorable!

She laughed playfully.

— Here's the thing, I know none of you mean to be rude when speculating about my dating life, or trying to find out who she is. And I don't find it rude! In fact, it's flattering that people care. I mean, I care to know if Gillian Anderson is married yet or not— wait, she's single? Wow, the gays keep winning! So, yeah, as I was saying, it's just... I know that as soon as announce our relationship, it's just going to be all over the internet and, for now, it's been amazing for it to... just be ours, you know?

— So, I'm going to pop these in the oven... stay tuned for updates when they're done!


so, i did actually write this chapter on june 3rd, isn't that crazy? anyway, we're in october now but if ur bi as it was also bi visibility week recently, i love u<333 ur so valid!!!

aslooo bad news, there's like 4 more chapters left 🤠🤠

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