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2 Peter 2:4



In comparison to their long, unending immortal lives, humans are nothing but miniscule burst in their never-ending life streak. As celestials continue to live and prosper, humans shrivel and sink into their hollow shell of a body as soon as their clock stops ticking, body deteriorating and lungs crumbling away like dust.

Lalisa used to think it's pointless. What was the sole reason of a single being's existence if they were only given a short amount of time to live? What was the purpose of living if not to live forever? How does one accept their fate and just...move on? It did not make sense.

But as she looks over her humans, as she watches them be born and live and die, somehow, she gets a glimpse of the life that they call a blessing. Every time she helps with the birth of a child, she sees tears of joy. Every time she picks up a soul from their death bed, she sees flowers. She hears cries, she hears whispers of goodbyes and confessions of love and strings of apologies. She feels...love.

Love. It's strange. Intangible, yes, barely reachable, but it's something these mortals value over anything else. It's something she has never felt herself before.

Over the millennia, she has witnessed humans wage wars against each other. She has observed them build cities, conquer kingdoms, change the world. She was there when God molded Adam, when Eve was tempted by the Snake, when they fled the Garden of Eden. She has been with humanity for as long as she can remember, but the more she starts to wonder about what mortal life could be, the more she realizes that she did not know them at all.

And so the desire takes root in her belly. The desire to know them, know more. As she resumes her duties in the mortal realm, the more and more she wants.

Wants to experience it. Wants to be a part of it. Wants to go beyond what Heaven can give.

Life in the Silver City is good. Perfect. Too perfect that it began to bother her. There was always celebrations, there's always feasts and endless dancing. Heaven quite literally means heaven; here, you're surrounded by infinite happiness. Here, you have the freedom to do anything you want, just as long as you follow certain rules.

Angels are not supposed to succumb into their own desires--that is the most important rule in the Silver City. Succumbing into one's desire is a sign of selfishness, another thing that is heavily forbidden in City of Angels. Ever since Samael the Lightbringer rebelled against the Heavenly Father, the Archangels have always ensured that no such feeling existed within the other angels, or they'd all be sent to the Underworld, where an inferno of pain awaits.

But a curious mind is a curious mind. Among all the angels, Lalisa has an insatiable desire for answers that sets apart from her the rest of them. In all of her existence, there's always been an empty void inside of her that is yet to be filled. She has travelled far and wide in search for that object, but every time she comes back, the void remains vacant. Dormant.

But maybe...maybe the answer was right in front of her all along. Maybe it's not a what that she needs, but maybe a who.

And so, when desires are hidden, when they're fostered and fed and fueled, what happens, you may ask.

They grow, I answer.

Then, the questions started coming. Curiosity bleeds. The longing strengthens.

How does it feel like to be human?

How would it be like to live as one?

Most importantly, how does it feel like to be free?

All of these remained unanswered, and with this, she thinks its time.

So as soon as all of her brothers and sisters fell asleep one night later, Lalisa makes her decision. She is going to the human world. Nothing is going to stop her. She is going to live like them, and she's going to do what they've all been doing, in pursuit of her desire.

This might just be what she needs.

Lalisa stands outside her balcony and stares down at the ever moving Earth. The faint lights of cities are visible all the way up here, and she feels something curl in her gut. Her wings flutter behind her back at the thought of living amongst them, the pure white glimmering and softened by the moonlight. With ease she curls them back in until they're safely tucked away beneath her skin.

She gives the Silver City one last look and takes a deep breath.

"I'm sorry, Father."

She closes her eyes...and falls.


mini glossary:

Adam - the first human. God molded him from clay, breathed into him the breath of life, and so he became a living soul. He, along with Eve, was created to take care of His creations.

Eve - the first woman. God thought that Adam needed a companion, therefore he took one of Adam's ribs and made Eve.

Garden of Eden - this is the biblical paradise described in the book of Genesis. This is also the place where Adam and Eve used to reside in, and it is usually used to symbolized humans' progression from innocence to sin.

Samael the Lightbringer - also known as The Devil, or Satan. He was God's favorite son, and according to the Old Testament, he wanted to surpass God, therefore resulting to his fall. He became the ruler of Hell.


a/n: i'm going to be using my knowledge about my religion in this story, and not in a bad way by the way! just a few references here and there. take note that this is all fiction, so whatever i'm going to be writing here isn't true. i'm roman catholic if you all are curious!

also, just a heads up: i'll be using satan as one of the characters here, but that doesn't mean i'm romanticizing him in real life! satan here is my own version of him, and that definitely doesn't mean that he is like that in reality. again it's fiction!

enjoy part one ;)

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