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The solstice was over and only a few other ponies remained in the town hall, everypony was tired so they left ages ago, there were only two ponies left with energy. Those two ponies were soarin and rainbow dash.
"Hey dashie, want to go for a fly around ponyville?" Soarin asked, a mischievous smile spreading across his face.
"Sure." Rainbow replied smiling back.
The two 'lovebirds' (as rarity called them) took off into the sky, soon turning a harmless duo flight into a race, both pushing there limits with the little energy they had left.

The two pegasi collapsed on a nearby cloud and just laid there for a while statim at the beautiful stars that luna had created. they stayed like this until soarin broke the silence.
"Dashie I've been wondering this all day, will you go out with me?" Soarin asked rainbow.
She was shocked by the question but even more shocked about how confident soarin sounded.
"Of course I will be sor, why would I say no." Rainbow whispered softly in his ear.
"Hehe," soarin chuckled, "good cause I love you more than all the pies in the world."
This was an extremely rare thing for soarin to say and rainbow was just glad it was her he said it to.
"Wow, that's a big statement for such a pie lover like you, rainbow giggled, "I was worried for a second that pies would always hold a bigger place on your heart than me."
They both laughed at this an turned over so that they were nose to nose (technically mussel to mussel but whatever). They both went bright red as their lips pressed against the others.

They didn't know how much longer they continued to make out, but what they did know was that they woke up on the cloud which was now floating right outside rainbows house. rainbow grinned as she dragged a goofy looking soarin into her house.

Soarindash: love at first flightWhere stories live. Discover now