The kiss

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Once two pegasi finally laughing and joking, Soarin decided to take either an extremely bold action or a stupid one. He took a deep breath and said "Um... Dashie I've got... Um... A bit of a ... Confession to make, I ... Um... I..."
"Spit it out soarin." Rainbow teased but at the same time she became slightly worried about what soarin was about to say, was he not that interested in her.
Soarin went bright red but decided to tell rainbow about his feelings, hopefully without stammering and giant pauses that made the whole thing more awkward. "I uh I ," soarin said while trying to think of what to say.
'skip to the point soarin, you're just making it more awkward' he thought to himself.
Rainbow waited patiently for him to speak, she knew whatever he was about to say was extremely awkward and difficult to say. She knew how he felt.
"Rainbow I... Um I need to tell you something," rainbow dash smiled as soarin kept talking even though he was a bit hesitant, "for ages now I've kinda had feeling for you."
After seeing rainbows confused face soarin said what he was thinking, although he knew that rainbow was looking confused to make him say what was really on his mind.
"Rainbow dash I'm in love with you!" Soarin said quickly.
Rainbow was shocked, shocked at what her almost lifelong crush just admitted.
"Y-you do?" The stunned mare said.
"Yea I guess so, but I understand if you don't feel the same way." soarin said nervously.
"No no, I sorta feel the same way I'm just surprised that you'd like a mare like me." rainbow replied
"What do you mean a mare like you? You're awesome, not everypony is the element of loyalty, can do a sonic rainboom and saved equestria, me and my pies a few times!" Sorin said in rainbows defence.
Rainbow didn't reply instead she just stared at the ground, or at least the cloud.
"Dashie?" Soarin suddenly became worried, was rainbow alright.
"Im fine, I'm just surprised. it's a nice kind of suprise but..."
She was cut of by soarin lifting her chin up with his hoof, when he did this rainbow realised how close together they were. she couldn't resist a second longer, as she went in for the kiss soarin did the same.
As they locked lips soarins wing flew out and nearly lifted him of the cloud and away from the kiss.
When they stopped the kiss rainbow happens to glance at the clock on the town hall, only to realise that she was late to meet her friends.
"Soarin I've gotta go, see you later?" She questioned.
"You bet," soarin replied with confidence, "see you at the solstice."
"Ok see you then." rainbow called as she flew over to twilights castle.
Soarin bucked the last cloud and flew of to his house with that goofy smile on his face and thinking about rainbow dash.

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