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Rainbow bucked her bed as hard as she could,she was about to get in it when she heard a knock at the door.
"Whoever that is better have a good reason for being here." Rainbow muttered.
She walked to the door still in a mood.
Rainbow dash opened the door as shouted,
But she apologised when she saw soarin standing there.
"Sorry if I caught you at a bad time dashie." soarin smiled nervously.
"It's ok I'm just a bit annoyed, that's all," rainbow replied, "what brings you here?"
"Well I was wondering if you'd come to the solstice with me?" Soarin asked her.
"Ok sor I don't see why not." dash grinned.

They flew down to the ponyville town hall together and landed by the doors to see rainbows friends watching them.
"H-hi guys." rainbow said nervously.
"Hi dashie, hi soarin!" Pinkie yelled in her somewhat cheerful voice.
"Um hi, it's pinkie pie isn't it?" Soarin asked nervously.
"Yay you know my name," pinkie shouted, this time louder than before, "dashies boyfriend knows my name!"
"You do know that soarins not my boyfriend right?" Rainbow questioned pinkies knowledge.
"I'm pretty sure pinkie knows that darling, it's not like you haven't told us." rarity butted in again.
'Wow dashies already told her friends, and she's not exactly the romantic type either, I'm on the winning streak here.' Soarin thought to himself.

(Muffled voice of the mayor from inside the town hall)
"Welcome to the celebration of the summer solstice"
The mane 6 six soarin and spike heard this an walked into the the town hall.

I had a few problems with this chapter, because it decided to delete twice in one day, luckily the second time ( I had nearly finished it when it deleted) I managed to get it back so I hope you enjoyed.

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